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Ammon Bundy Explains the Plight of the Hammond Family

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Jan.l13, 2016


As I've said previously (more or less): beware of Mormons bearing gifts. Also worth keeping in mind:

Obama, in yesterday's State of the Union message, was not really talking about hunting down ISIS "terrorists"--he meant all the poor white folks Mormon Bundys and their Zionist bodyguards will wind up getting killed.  Mormons are highly organized, follow a fanatical Christian Zionistic doctrine, and have large stores of food and weapons.  Should the U.S. break up they will have a tremendous advantage in many areas of the west and stand a good chance of seizing power to fulfill Joseph Smith's oath to destroy the United States of America.

Yes, Hammonds are getting screwed.  But they did not invite Bundys and 80% of townspeople hate the "patriots" and want them gone.  THIS IS NOT HOW YOU WIN HEARTS AND MINDS!

I commercially picked mushrooms in the Burns fire in 2007, a year after it burned and the Hammonds' ordeal began.  The Feds do have an agenda for this area.  They closed all roads in the fire except for the main trunk, a year later, allegedly due to the danger of falling trees and without publishing a notice (as required by Federal Law) in the Federal Register.  I found out the side roads had been maintained as firebreaks and all fellable timber had been cut closer than 100 feet to the roads.  There were, perhaps, 20 white pickers on the fire--most got heavily ticketed for violating the illegal rules.  Over 500 carloads of Asians and Mexicans showed up and swarmed into the picking areas with virtually no enforcement.  The 50 mile stretch to Delintment Lake had a nonwhite picker every 100 yards.  Often I hiked 4 miles into an area only to find two or three vanloads of aliens already swarming there.

My daughter drove into one of these roads and was held at gunpoint by Federal Rangers and given a large ticket.

I believe the reason for the closure was to prevent location of valuable mineral resources. Keeping white pickers out is easy when the forest is mobbed by aliens--and forests like Boise N.F. have sold permits and then withdrawn the permits (without refunds) due to the self-caused chaos.  (I remember one sad-looking dog, tied up, watching a group of Laotians sharpening a meat clever in one of these forests.)   The exact same thing is happening in the Nez Perce National Forest in Idaho, where there is reputedly a massive gold strike North of the Salmon that the Feds want withdrawn from mineral location.  All of these resources, I'm guessing, are being reserved as collateral for banking interests.