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Jan. 8, 2016

Additional armed Patriots from other states have begun arriving in support of the seizure of a federal complex in Oregon! Local citizens are bringing supplies to the Militia and showing support for their protest against federal tyranny!


Members of a group from outside Oregon arrived on Friday at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge to "secure a perimeter" around the compound and prevent "a Waco-style situation."

The arrival of the "3% of Idaho" was the latest development in the situation outside Burns, where an armed occupation of the refuge by an Ammon Bundy-led militant group entered its seventh day.

"They just keep an eye on everything that is going on" to make sure "nothing stupid happens," Bundy said Friday afternoon outside refuge headquarters.

"If they weren't here," Bundy said, referring to the Idaho group, "I'd worry" about a Waco-style siege by federal officials.

The group's website says it stands for "freedom, liberty and the Constitution. We will combat all those who are corrupt." The website displays the motto, "When Tyranny Becomes Law, Rebellion Becomes Duty!"

The Mahleur Wildlife Refuge was "taken" by armed militia over the tyrannical treatment of local ranchers by the federal government.  The full "back story" with all the details can be read HERE.

Brandon Curtiss, the president of the 3% of Idaho, would not reveal in a phone interview how many people his group was sending, although a handful of them had already arrived at the bird sanctuary. Some had what appeared to be handguns on their hips. Curtiss said he was on his way to the refuge.

He also declined to reveal specifically whether the group would circle the refuge headquarters or form some other sort of perimeter.

Curtiss and Chris McIntire, another group spokesman, called the situation a "double-edged sword" – the perimeter is meant to protect the occupiers from an outside attack but also to protect the Harney County community from those who arrive in solidarity with Bundy's cause but may be prone to violence, they said. The Idaho group is here to keep the situation "peaceful" and reassure the community that it isn't in danger, they said.

McIntire said the majority of the group's members would be heading for Eastern Oregon on Friday.


Sources inside the government tell SuperStation95 "It looks as though they're bringing in reinforcements in case the government tries anything like they did in Ruby Ridge where the feds slaughtered Vicky Weaver with a shot to the head while she held her baby.  Of course, everyone saw what the feds did in Waco, TX, when they drove a tank into the Branch Davidian Church and burned more than 80 men, women and children alive." he said.  

This time, if the feds try anything, it looks like they'll have a real fight on their hands.