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U.S. mayor calls Obama 'Muslim,' stands firm as critics rage

Douglas Ernst

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Dec. 23, 2015

Superior, Wisconsin, Mayor Bruce Hagen (Photo: City of Superior, Wisconsin)

A Wisconsin mayor is fending off fierce backlash after he called President Obama a Muslim who has “destroyed the fabric of democracy.”

Superior, Wisconsin, Mayor Bruce Hagen has refused to apologize for Facebook posts criticizing Obama and the first lady.

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“Do we still have freedom of speech in the country? Sometimes I kind of forget,” Hagen told Fox 21 Monday night.

City councilors Graham Garfield, Warren Bender, Esther Dalbec, Dan Olson and Denise McDonald demanded he apologize or resign.

Garfield told NNC Now on Monday that a recall effort may be launched if Hagen does not retract his comments.

“I’m not saying he’s done anything criminal, but he’s certainly put his leadership capabilities in question,” said Garfield.

Two comments, now blocked from public viewing on the mayor’s Facebook page, incensed his critics.

“[Michelle Obama] and her Muslim partner have destroyed the fabric of democracy that was so very hard fought for,” Bench wrote in one response to a friend’s comment. Another said Obama “destroyed world relationships.”

The mayor was asked on his page why he called Obama a Muslim. He replied that many Americans do not believe the president is a Christian.

“I have huge respect for the office of the president, but no respect for the current administration,” Hagen told Fox 21.

Obama, whose father was Muslim, has on at least two occasions referenced his Muslim faith or suggested he was Muslim. He also has a well-documented history of omitting “endowed by their Creator” from the line in the Declaration of Independence that reads: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

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Then-Sen. Obama cited his “Muslim faith” during a 2008 interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, who quickly corrected him mid-sentence.

The president also raised eyebrows during a speech in Antalya, Turkey, Nov. 16 when he said, "I think, on one hand, non-Muslims cannot stereotype, but I also think the Muslim community has to think about how we make sure that children are not being affected with this twisted notion that somehow they can kill innocent people," WND reported.

A headline on C-SPAN following the speech read: "Did President Obama Just Admit He Was Muslim?"



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