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Dec. 10, 2015

----- Forwarded Message -----

From: Anna von Reitz


Sent: Thursday, December 10, 2015 1:17 PM

Subject: Sent to Pope Francis This Morning

Most Beloved Francis:

This is to make explicit what to you is already at least partially known:

1. We have the technology to control and moderate both the short and long term carbon cycles on this planet;

2. We have the technology to control and seal the cascade nuclear reactions in Japan and can prevent similar disasters in the Marshal Islands and elsewhere;

3. We have the means to quiet and forestall earthquakes on a planetary basis;

4. No sin of Mankind is beyond forgiveness and repair, so long as that sin is recognized for what it is and repented;

5. It is this item (4) that is of immediate concern;

6. There can be no misuse of the current environmental problems as an excuse to promote or prolong any further enslavement or taxation of Mankind;

7. There are among your members at the Paris Summit and even among those advising you at the Vatican --- we hesitate to call them "people"--- who see the deplorable destruction they have caused to the planet as yet another excuse to control others and impose unjust taxation upon the innocent;

8. This must not be allowed;

9. You are called upon to mediate a just settlement and there is no justice in blaming and charging innocent people for these sins;

10. You have been told that there will be no scapegoats. Take it to heart.

"It is time for you to act, O, Lord, for they have regarded your law as void." --- Psalm 119:126.

Anna Maria

