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Dec. 6, 2015

The United States Corporate Government is at war with the American People, who were told so officially when congress passed Trading With The Enemy Act back in 1917, followed by The War Powers Act in 1941, some years later. While the American people have been sucking Their collective thumbs -- in between drooling into Their state issued neck buckets -- under the guise of terrorism, the US Corp Governments War on Terrors has always been, and will always be about war against Them, who for the most part, have been so cooked off mentally, that They seemingly view the entire experience as a necessary aspect of Their pathetic daily existence. State owned, State kept, State directed, and State harnessed, the people of America are 100% living under a Communist Dictatorship, and for the most part seem to be just hunky with the current status They occupy as a conquered nation and people. All the posturing about losing freedoms in America, and further claims of gun rights, gun ownership, and Constitutional Protections are nothing more than fluff, pomp and pretend bravado from, and by a people who were neutered, scalped, and stuffed for display, 150 years ago, with everything else from that point forward amounting to a fervent denial that such ever happened.


America is the people that live within her borders, some get it and but most don't, with the majority do not care one way or the other;  the tenets of freedom -- if ever the acquisition of such a noble and honorable station be attained to -- demand that the conquered, and owned first and foremost admit that They are, take an honest accounting of just how much and by whom, and start from that point forward to take Theirs back by looking into the mirror and asking Themselves, do you really want this thing called freedom, or are you content with the quality of your chains, such as They are, thereby consciously acknowledging that any actions on your part in an attempt to get free from your captor and State Guardian, could very well be met, and probably will be , with the most harshest of punishments imaginable, to say nothing of the expected betrayal by your neighbors and fellow man for having tried.




The war on the West has started in earnest.


Be ready!


Do you think the Kamilah, Idaho fires, in their entirety, were an accident, when I saw FEMA personnel & equipment here 2 days prior to the fire?


This Fire was Lit by BLM


Dear Friends,


I told you I would keep you updated on the Hammonds.


This BLM lit fire reportedly killed more than 80 head of cattle, put ranchers trying to save their cattle in extreme danger, fences and power poles and threatened the town of Frenchglen.


Please watch this video:


We hope all are having a wonderful season of worship and celebration to the Lord and his coming. We wish that we did not have to report these matters during this season.


-Hammond Family-


It would not be the first time in history that the mechanisms to bring about justice, became the tool to implement despotism.


The third president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson said; "Law is often but the tyrants will, and always so when it violates the rights of an individual". Let us not forget that the intent of laws and the court systems are to protect individuals against criminals, those who will take life, liberty or property.


Never in any way did Dwight & Steven Hammond committee a crime, they did not take the life, the liberties or property from any individual.


On the other hand the U.S. Government, through the court system, have taken extensive amounts of the Hammond's property and for the second time they plan to take way Dwight & Steven liberties.


Who are the victims? Who are the criminals?   


People in Harney County and across the United States are honestly asking; Did Dwight and Steven Hammond receive justice, or is their something terribly wrong going on? Across the nation many who have sought out the facts, feel that appropriate due process was not the given.


People yearn to act, but also desire to make sure their actions are morally justified. The conscience of a just person can not accept that honest good people are "Terrorist".


A just soul will not find peace, when lawful individuals are allowed to suffer in prison after it is apparent they have committed no crime.


We understand  that action must be taken to counter the horrific action of federal agencies towards the Hammonds. The Lord is working closely with many on these issues.


We all must be patient, not to act to quickly or without the direction from the Lord. Please stay aware and be in tune. We know the Lords hands are in this matter and that he plans to turn this oppressive situation into one of freedom.


The Bundy Family


Please contact the Oregon State Representatives and ask them to meet with the Hammonds at their ranch & home and find out what kind of people the Hammonds are and what this is really about.


State Representative Cliff Bentz (R)

900 Court St NE H-475

Salem, OR 97310

Phone: (503) 986-1460



State Senator Ted Ferrioli (R)

900 Court St NE S-323

Salem, OR 97310

Phone: (503) 986-1730


