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Syrian Refugees

Congressman Paul Broun

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Nov. 20, 2015

It's like handing your enemy a loaded shotgun -- and then wrapping your mouth around the barrel...


Even after ISIS terrorists' Paris shootings and suicide bombings that left 129 dead, President Obama is leaving American doors wide open to MORE radical Islamists from Syria and other lawless Muslim lands.


Make no mistake.


Buried in the sea of refugees flooding the United States lurk the bloodthirsty ISIS thugs who stand ready to bring the barbaric brand of terrorism to our shores.


And unless you act today, I'm worried this madness will not stop until our country starts pulling severed heads off the streets and dead bodies out of the rubble.


That's why I'm counting on you to please sign your SECURE AMERICA NOW petitions IMMEDIATELY.


As you'll see, these petitions insist your Congressman and Senators say NO MORE MONEY -- not one dime -- to President Obama's scheme to flood our country with Islamists.


This could not be more serious.


Just days after the November 13th Paris attacks -- which included at least one Islamist Syrian refugee as a key participant -- ISIS leaders released a new video promising attacks on Washington, D.C.


Already, they've claimed they have "trained soldiers" in up to 15 American states.


Perhaps that shouldn't be a surprise since the Syrian refugee program has already resulted in nearly 2,000 Islamist refugees resettling throughout the United States.


Away from big liberal cities, the refugees are being placed in red-blooded American towns like New Bern, Concord, Toledo, Roanoke, Kissimmee, Wichita, Spokane, Newport News, Erie, and Bristol.


And over the next year, under the United Nations' demands, President Obama is set to welcome in 10,000 more! Meanwhile, thousands more pour in from lawless lands like Libya, Niger and the failed state of Somalia.



I know we're told these are just victims who are fleeing for their lives and depending on our humanitarianism.


Of course, many of the refugees are surely just those who want no part in the raging civil war between Syrian dictator Bashar Al-Assad and those like ISIS who are seeking to overthrow him.


But there's also no doubt there's ZERO effective vetting of any of these Muslim refugees.


How could there be in a country that's been at war for five years, where our intelligence services have ZERO relationship with the existing government?


Who exactly are we going to call up and ask?


The truth is, the same ISIS terrorists who've been beheading even women and children in places like Iraq and Libya would love to show the world they can unleash a massive and bloody attack on the United States' homeland.


In fact, earlier this summer, The Washington Times reported an ISIS training camp just eight miles from the Texas border in Mexico, which remains unsecured to this day.


Yet we're supposed to believe President Obama that they'd never, ever try to use the Syrian refugee program as a Trojan Horse to launch terrorist attacks in the United States?


Even with thousands of displaced and vulnerable Muslims suddenly dropped in a foreign land -- perfect targets for ISIS' radicalization efforts?


Can we really afford to just hope for the best when we know American lives could hang in the balance?


We've already seen from France that the answer is a resounding "NO!"


That's why I agreed to help the National Council for Freedom and Enterprise's program to SECURE AMERICA NOW.


With your help, the National Council for Freedom and Enterprise is preparing to flood Washington, D.C. with petitions insisting Congress cut off every dime of funding for President Obama's Syrian Islamist refugee program.



I know you've heard stories about state governors saying their borders are closed to new refugees.


Sadly, there's only a limited ability for states to deliver on these pledges if the federal government is as determined as Barack Obama seems today.


The fact is, this is a FEDERAL program. And only Congress or this President has the power to fully stop it.


That's why you and I must insist that Congress use its power of the purse to stop every dime of funding for the Syrian and other unaccounted refugee programs.


Going into an absolutely critical election year, will Members of Congress really want to risk their political careers on the gamble that no Syrian Islamist refugee will ever try anything in the United States?


If they do, they'll be crushed at the ballot box. It's a virtual guarantee that goes for BOTH parties.


But it's up to you and me to FORCE Congress to take action.


Signing your SECURE AMERICA NOW petition is a key part of the National Council for Freedom and Enterprise's all-out plan to:


>>> Collect up to ONE MILLION petitions over the next two weeks from concerned Americans just like you using email and U.S. Mail;


>>> Working social media, key blogs, political websites and writing op-eds to ensure every American understands the FACTS about what the Syrian Islamist refugee program could mean for the United States;


>>> Conducting a full-scale media blitz, utilizing everything from talk radio to cable TV news to ensure the American people understand the threat President Obama is bringing to our shores;


>>> Running hard-hitting Internet, radio and, if funding permits, even TV ads to call out ANY politician in EITHER party who dares to stand in our way.


This is an ambitious plan. And it won't be cheap.


But I hope you agree that it's absolutely critical.


I'm not going to mince words here.


I'm counting on you to please sign your SECURE AMERICA NOW petition right away.




And if possible, please agree to your most generous gift right away.


I know that for some, that might be $500, $250 or $100. In fact, I know a generous few will contribute $5000 or perhaps more.


For others, it could be $25 or even $15 that is a sacrificial gift.


Just please give what you can afford, even if it is chipping in as little as $10.


Whatever you can do will make a tremendous difference.


The stakes couldn't be higher for our country.


We simply cannot allow a flood of Islamists to continually pour into our country regardless of the reason -- not after what we saw in France.


If you agree, please sign your SECURE AMERICA NOW petition, and return it to me right away with your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25 IMMEDIATELY. And if you cannot afford even that, please chip in at least $10 to help me mobilize more Americans in this critical hour.




The Hon. Paul Broun

U.S. Congressman (Ret.)


P.S. Even after ISIS terrorists' Paris shootings and suicide bombings that left 129 dead, President Obama is leaving American doors wide open to MORE radical Islamists from Syria.


We can't allow this to continue. Too much is at stake.


That's why I'm counting on you to please sign your SECURE AMERICA NOW petition, insisting that Congress cuts off every dime of funding for the Syrian refugee program!


And if possible, please agree to your most generous contribution of $500, $250, $100, $50 or $25, or even chipping in as little as $10 if that is what you can afford today.