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BREAKING: wolf killing surges in Wyoming

Jamie Rappoport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

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Oct. 29, 2015

It's just been reported that 55 wolves have been killed in Wyoming this year. These killings happened despite the fact that Wyoming wolves are supposedly protected under the Endangered Species Act. Absolutely shocking.

The 55 that were killed were done so by taxpayer funded federal wildlife managers. That’s the most wolves killed in Wyoming by wildlife managers in eight years.

Bottom line: Wyoming wolves are in immediate danger, and we need your help!



Once again, Wyoming's wolves are in the crosshairs.

It was only a year ago that we won back protections for Wyoming's wolves after two long years in court.

But now, wolf-hating politicians are jamming a measure through the Federal appropriations process that would strip Wyoming's gray wolves of protection under the Endangered Species Act. This would inevitably open the way for a fresh round of killing.

Your immediate, urgent donation will help Defenders fight for wolves and other imperiled species.

As you know, the federal government turned wolf management over to Wyoming in 2012. In less than two years, more than 200 wolves were slaughtered across the state.

Under Wyoming's brand of "wolf management," most of the state was designated a "predator zone," literally a free-fire zone where anyone could kill any wolf at any time and for any reason.

Among the early victims of Wyoming's killing spree was a magnificent collared Yellowstone wolf known only as "06." The matriarch of the Lamar Canyon pack, 06 drew wolf-watchers from around the world. Her death just a few miles outside the Yellowstone National Park boundary was a tragic loss for science, for wolf tourism, and for her pack.

If anti-wolf members of Congress win, this is the sort of horror we could be going back to.

Thanks to a lawsuit brought by Defenders and our allies, a federal court ordered Wyoming's wolves back on the endangered species list in 2014. Now some in Congress are looking to undo that decision.

Anti-wildlife extremists are pouring millions into this kind of bold Congressional attack on the wildlife we love. And if they win, wolves will die.

Your urgent support will help protect Wyoming wolves and other imperiled wildlife.

Thanks to people like you, Defenders has been at forefront of wolf recovery in the Lower 48 since day one.

  • We were there 20 years ago when the first gray wolves in a generation took their first steps into Idaho and Wyoming wilderness.

  • Since then, we've been to court to protect wolf recovery every time its been threatened – and won.

  • We're mobilizing our pro-wildlife action community in America to fight on Capitol Hill and elsewhere for compassionate, science-based conservation.

  • And we're on the ground in the Northern Rockies, working with ranchers, landowners and others to promote coexistence and build local support for wolf recovery.

Today, wolves cling to survival in the vast forests and valleys of Wyoming. If these anti-wolf members of Congress have their way, the killing could start as soon as December.


Wolves In The Crosshairs

Gray Wolf, (c) M. Quinton

If anti- wolf members of Congress win, wolves in Wyoming will die.

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Jaime Rappaport Clark

Jamie Rappaport Clark

President, Defenders of Wildlife