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breaking: Senate hearing chokes on GMOs

Food Democray Now!

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Oct. 26, 2015

The Senate Ag Committee says GMOs are perfectly safe: We only need “voluntary labels” on GMOs – Let’s prove them wrong! Chip in to join the fight to defeat Monsanto’s efforts to corrupt our democracy in Washington DC. Every dollar counts!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

This past week the Senate Agriculture Committee held its first hearing on biotechnology in 10 years and what we heard was appalling. Rather than an honest dialogue on the merits and risks of GMOs and the need for new common sense regulations, the Senate Ag committee decided to run a show trial for Monsanto that whitewashed GMOs.

For more than three hours, both Senate Republicans and Democrats repeatedly praised GMOs, regurgitating Monsanto talking points, such as the myth of “feeding the world” and that GMOs were perfectly “safe”, while intentionally ignoring the growing number of independent studies that point to real and potential harm from genetically engineered foods.

Even worse, several Senators and expert witnesses dismissed the recent International Agency for Research on Cancer’s declaration that glyphosate, the main chemical ingredient in Monsanto’s bestselling weedkiller, was linked to cancer in humans.

The only bright spot came when a Senator admitted that she was fearful of the “social media campaigns” that have raised the profile of the negative impacts of GMOs. That’s right, our work is paying off.

Right now your emails and phone calls have kept the Senate from passing Monsanto's Poison Pill and we need to keep up the pressure.

Help us reach our goal by raising $63,492 by the end of the month so we can defeat Monsanto and stop Monsanto's outrageous bill in the Senate! If you donate today, your tax deductible donation will be matched 3 to 1.

Please,  – don't miss this chance to have your gift matched by pitching in whatever you can. Every dollar counts!

Triple your impact before time runs out – we need to hear from you today!

In the past 4 years, you’ve help build a movement that’s driven the national conversation on GMOs from California in 2012 to DC today.

In July, the House of Representatives voted 275 to 150 to pass Pompeo’s H.R. 1599, a dangerous bill that kills GMO labeling for good. We can’t let this pass in the Senate!

Already, Monsanto and their corporate front groups are panicking at the idea of having to put simple labels on food products sold in the U.S., even though they already do this in 64 other countries around the world. This Congressional overreach smacks of desperation and the food movement has never had a better chance to expose Monsanto’s corruption of Congress and we need your help to do it!

Yes, I want to chip in to defeat Monsanto and their cronies at the GMA! Every dollar counts!

The Senate will decide soon – we need your help to force Congress to adopt mandatory labeling of genetically engineered foods.

Tell them the American people have a right to mandatory labeling of GMOs, like 64 other countries in the world. We need your support more than ever! Every dollar counts.

Be a part of this Grassroots Surge to defeat Monsanto’s lie machine!

Contribute today to take the fight to Monsanto and keep GMOs off your plate. With your help we will win! Click here to donate $10 or more. Every bit counts.

This is what happens when we stand up – Together we are unstoppable!

Thank you for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team