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Oct. 10, 2015

Breaking: Monsanto just announced its slashing 12% of workforce as profits are down more than 5% and now Monsanto is hitting the panic button, You in?


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has." - Margaret Mead

This week, in a stunning reversal of fortune, the financial press reported that Monsanto is slashing more than 12 percent of its workforce due to weaker than expected sales and profits are down more than 5 percent for the 4th quarter of this year.

According to Reuters, “sales of corn seeds” and GMO traits, Monsanto’s key products fell more than 5%, while sales of their best selling weedkiller Roundup, dropped a whopping 12% in the past 3 months alone.

Right now Monsanto is on the ropes and we need your help today to finish them off. These new developments are the results of all of us pushing in the same direction, taking action together and we can't let up.

Help us raise $100,000 in the next 10 days so we can defeat Monsanto and stop Monsanto's outrageous bill in the Senate! If you donate today, your tax deductible donation will be matched 3 to 1.

Please, Patrick – don't miss this chance to have your gift matched by pitching in whatever you can. Every dollar counts!

Triple your impact before time runs out – we need to hear from you today!

In reality, the negative stories about Monsanto’s flawed products are just getting started.

  • In the past 6 weeks, 19 countries in Europe have called for bans on planting GMO crops in their borders in order to protect their own seed and farming heritage.
  • On March 20th of this year, the International Agency for Research on Cancer declared glyphosate, the main chemical ingredient in Monsanto’s weedkiller Roundup, to be linked to cancer in humans.

Now, Monsanto is getting Congress to pass laws that protect their toxic GMO and chemical products at the expense of the public health and our constitution. This legal assault on our democratic rights is an outrage! But we’re not backing down. We need your help to make sure we can stop H.R. 1599 in the Senate in the next few weeks.

Despite Monsanto’s constant threats, farmers and activists across the country are continuing to fight back.

On July 23rd, the House passed H.R. 1599 to strip states of the ability to pass common sense GMO lableing bills by a wide 275 votes for and 150 against the Dark Act. While this summer’s vote in the House was disappointing, the fight is far from over and we need your help in the next 6 weeks to make sure we stop Monsanto’s poison pill in the Senate.

Right now Monsanto is desperate to hide their untested GMOs in our food because they know Americans don’t want to eat them. The good news is that last year the state of Vermont passed a strong GMO labeling bill and a recent federal court judge ruled in our favor and denied the biotech industry’s efforts to get the lawsuit dismissed.

Already, Monsanto and their corporate front groups are panicking at the idea of having to put simple labels on food products sold in the U.S., even though they already do this in 64 other countries around the world. This Congressional overreach smacks of desperation and the food movement has never had a better chance to expose Monsanto’s corruption of Congress and we need your help to do it!

Yes, I want to chip in to defeat Monsanto and their cronies at the GMA! Every dollar counts!

In the past 4 years, Monsanto and the GMA spent more than $100 million to defeat GMO labeling, but they can’t keep us down!

Just like they did in California, Washington, Oregon and Colorado, pesticide companies like Monsanto, DuPont and Dow Chemical are spending millions of dollars to defeat your right to know what’s in your food. They’re not backing down, but neither are we. With your help, we can defeat them, like we did in Maine, Connecticut and Vermont!

Be a part of this Grassroots Surge to defeat Monsanto’s lie machine!

Contribute today to take the fight to Monsanto and keep GMOs off your plate. With your help we will win! Click here to donate $10 or more. Every bit counts.

This is what happens when we stand up – Together we are unstoppable!

Thank you for participating in food democracy,

Dave, Lisa and the Food Democracy Now! team


1. “Monsanto slashing 2,600 jobs, buying back shares as sales fall”,

2. “Monsanto to Cut 12% of Workforce as It Forecasts Profit Drop”, Bloomberg, October 7, 2015.

To find out how your Representative Voted on H.R. 1599:

3. House Vote 462 - House votes to pass H.R.1599 275 to 150, New York Times, July 23, 2015.