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Bullied over pink slime

Wenonah Hauter, Food & WAter Watch

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Oct. 6, 2015

Here's something you should know about Food & Water Watch: when big corporations try to intimidate us, we don't back down. Will you stand with us as we take on the corporations that control our food?

Let me take a step back. Remember "pink slime" — that infamous ground beef additive?1 Well, later this week, our Food Program Director, Patty Lovera, is being deposed as part of a ridiculous lawsuit brought by the nation's largest producer of pink slime, just for talking to an ABC reporter about it!

We're being dragged into this absurd lawsuit by a corporate bully because Patty routinely talks about protecting our food! We know that as we continue to stand up for what's right, corporations will try to push us around. That's why I'm asking you to join our Food & Water Partners program and start your monthly donations today, so we can keep up our constant efforts to stand up to corporations and protect your food.

When the story of pink slime broke a couple of years ago, reporters contacted Patty asking for our take on the situation. Our position has always been clear: we all need accurate information about our food, including where it’s from and how it was produced, so that we can make informed decisions about what we eat. At the very least, pink slime should be labeled so people know it's there.

Now, for sharing our position, Food & Water Watch has to spend time and money on this ridiculous lawsuit, instead of focusing on urgent threats to our food like the DARK Act.

No matter what you think about pink slime, what's most appalling is this corporate bullying. Dragging advocacy groups into a lawsuit for sharing facts and our positions is a scare tactic — an attempt to stop us from speaking up when it comes to the safety of our food.

But we won't back down from corporate bullies, and I hope you'll stand by our side as we continue to defend our right to safe food, by making a monthly donation.

This isn't the first time we've been targeted by corporations — and we know it won't be the last. You may remember when "Dr. Evil," the political strategist for the oil and gas industry, created a website and bought billboards to call Food & Water Watch out as a "Big Green Radical" group because we weren't afraid to stand up to Big Oil and Gas and speak truth to their lies.

The only reason these bullies are targeting us is because of our effective work to challenge corporate control.

Our promise to you is that we will keep working to stop corporate wrong-doings and to protect your food, no matter how hard these bullies push to stop us.

We'll keep fighting to protect your food. Will you stand with us?

Thank you for your support,

Wenonah Hauter

Executive Director

Food & Water Watch
