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Drew Hudson - Envronmental Action

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Oct. 6, 2015

Frac-tivists from coast to coast are stepping up their campaigns to stop fracking wells, pipelines and compressor stations. But they need our help to fight the frackers and win, can you chip in to help?

Yesterday I stood in front of major fracking companies with native and tribal leaders, in front of the local EPA with families who’s water was poisoned by fracking, and on the steps of the Colorado statehouse with families from 31 states — all calling for an end to fracking.

I was proud to stand shoulder to shoulder with all these activists as part of the Stop The Frack Attack annual summit and day of action, held this year in Denver Colorado — ground zero for some of the worst fracking impacts in America. But us being together for the last few days is only part of the fight. To stop fracking, block its pipelines and compressor stations, and clean up our water, air and climate, everyone has to go home and keep fighting in their own cities, counties, states and reservations as well.

We’re about $1,200 short of our goal to support all the front line communities that were part of the STFA CO summit this week. Can you chip in to make sure every fracktivist can stay in the fight?

Here are some of the people, stories and fracking fights I heard about, and which your donation will support:

  • Native and indigenous leaders fighting to stop the Saddle Butte pipeline which will plow through the Navajo Nation, other indigenous communities and near Chaco Canyon, which is sacred to the Pueblo and others.   
  • Families and ranchers whose water was poised by fracking, like John F. from Pavilion WY, only to have the EPA cover up the truth of the pollution, and then collude with the frackers to falsely claim there’s no “widespread, systemic” impact on our water.
  • Old friends from Pennsylvania and Colorado who were calling on their Democratic Governors to recognize the harms caused by fracking and take action to protect the people over profit. Our Pennsylvania allies, in fact, are on their way to deliver just such a message to Governor Wolf tomorrow with help from celebrity fracking fighter Mark Ruffalo.

These are just a few of the many stories I heard and fractivists we’re fighting with from coast to coast. I also talked to Iowans fighting franc sand mining and new pipelines; I talked to Texans struggling just to get the basic info from local fracking operations on impacts to our air, water and public health. And I talked to native leaders like Kandi M. who are headed to the Paris climate talks in December to testify on the impacts of fracking on her community, and the global climate.

Every one of these activists needs our help, at a plenary session on Sunday night, one front line leader remarked that activism isn’t free — it takes money for people to testify at local hearings, arrange childcare while they investigate well water contamination, and travel to amazing national protests like the one in Denver yesterday. The best way you can help today is by chipping in $15, $25, $50 or whatever you can afford to support these front line activists.


Drew and the Stop the Frack Attack Crew at Environmental Action

PS - Click here to read my blog post on the weekend with even more stories, links, photos and updates from all the action over the last few days.