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Tell Bayer: Stop killing our bees

Rhea Suh - NRCS (Natural Resources Defense Council)

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Sept. 17, 2015

you can't deny the numbers:

A shocking 42 percent of America's honeybee colonies collapsed over the past year -- an alarming spike on top of nearly a decade of skyrocketing bee deaths.

One key culprit is a class of next-generation "neonic" pesticides that are up to 10,000 times more toxic to bees than DDT. And the German aspirin maker Bayer manufactures more neonics than any other company in the world.

NRDC is moving swiftly to prevail on Bayer's CEO and stop the company's assault on bees -- and we need your immediate help.

Add your voice now: Tell Bayer's CEO to stop selling bee-killing pesticides on the U.S. market.

NRDC is already campaigning in Washington for a ban on neonics. But with the fate of bees hanging in the balance, we must do more -- and we must do it NOW.

That's why we're taking this fight directly to the multinational corporations like Bayer that make and sell these bee-killing chemicals.

Tell Bayer to stop its chemical assault on America's bees!

Make no mistake: Bayer is not going to give up its pesticide profit bonanza without a fight.

In the face of mounting consumer pressure, Bayer has launched a PR blitz straight from the playbook of Big Tobacco and corporate climate deniers... including a mobile "Bee Care Tour" traveling the country "to celebrate pollinators" and a $2.4 million "North American Bee Care Center," opened last year, to study the "complex issues affecting honeybees" -- except, apparently, neonics!

I'd laugh if this smokescreen of feel-good PR wasn't so dangerous, but it is. Just look at the facts: 70 percent of our nation's major crops -- and one out of every three bites of food we eat -- rely on bees for pollination. Toxic neonics are killing bees all across America. And Bayer is still selling them.

Tell Bayer to pull its bee-killing neonics off the American market.

Bees simply can't wait -- and we haven't got a moment to lose. It's time for us to band together, raise our voices and ignite a global public outcry that will turn up the heat on Bayer and compel that company to stop killing bees. Please speak up now.



Rhea Suh

President, NRDC

Rhea Suh