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Sign Today! Support Local Farms, not Factory Farms

Ronnie Cummins- Organic Consumers Assoc.

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Sept. 15, 2015

Dear Organic Consumer,

Ever wonder why it’s so difficult to find locally produced meat? And why it’s so expensive? 

It’s because USDA regulations have stacked the deck in favor of factory farms, not local producers.

Tell Congress: Please Support the PRIME Act (H.R. 3187) So Consumers Can Support Local Farms, Not Factory Farms

There’s a bill before Congress, H.R. 3187, the PRIME—Processing Revival and Intrastate Meat Exemption—Act, that would allow farmers to sell locally produced beef, pork and lamb within state lines, without having to first ship their animals hundreds or thousands of miles to a dwindling number of USDA-approved processing facilities.

The PRIME Act is good for local farmers, and good for consumers. 

Factory farms are destructive on every level—they pollute our waterways, produce unhealthy meat full of antibiotics and hormones, emit massive amounts of greenhouse gases, and cause needless suffering to animals. The PRIME Act would help promote a more humane, environmentally responsible way to provide consumers with meat from their local farmers.

For more on the PRIME Act, and to ask your Congress member to support it, click here.

Thanks for taking action!

- Katherine, Brian and the OCA Team

P.S. for more on local farm- and consumer-friendly legislation, check out today’s article on