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BREAKING: 41 votes on Iran deal (but we still need one more)

Eden James, Democracy for America

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Sept. 8, 2015

Thanks to the hard work of DFA members like you, President Obama is on the cusp of a massive win on his Iran peace deal -- IF we can keep Democrats in the Senate in line.

Last week, we asked you to ramp up the pressure on undecided Democratic senators so we could secure the votes necessary to defeat a Republican attempt to sabotage the Iran deal that would force a presidential veto and a procedural mess in Congress.

Together with our allies, we flooded targeted Senate offices with thousands of calls -- and our organizing is paying off big time: This morning, three more Democrats announced that they will be supporting the agreement with Iran, giving President Obama 41 votes -- which should be enough to kill the GOP resolution of disapproval on arrival.

But here's the catch: Some Democrats are already indicating they'll side with Republicans on an important cloture vote that would allow this Republican attack a chance at passing.

Just one day after he announced his support for the deal itself, Sen. Chris Coons indicated that he would vote to advance (in support of cloture) the Republican resolution of disapproval. That means we still need one more vote to make sure the resolution is dead and buried in the Senate.

We need to make it crystal clear to all Democratic senators: If you support the Iran deal, it is your responsibility to do everything in your power to protect it from attacks -- and that means voting against cloture on the GOP resolution.

Can you pitch in $3 or more right now so DFA can ramp up the pressure on key Democrats over the next few crucial days to make sure they vote the right way and secure this deal?

Defeating this resolution would be a HUGE victory for the American people. Pro-war politicians and lobbyists have thrown everything they've got at trying to stop this deal. If we can shut down debate over this GOP attack before it even begins, we can prove to the world that we as a nation have finally learned the lesson of the Iraq War.

We know Republicans are not going to take yet another defeat by President Obama lying down. They're desperate to hold the Iran deal hostage and they'll do anything to weaken the resolve of Democratic supporters of the deal before their resolution hits the floor.

POLITICO is already reporting that Republicans are trying to stage the vote on September 11 in order to maximize the effects of their pro-war propaganda -- and they're guilt-tripping individual members, trying to frame any vote that would block their attack on the Iran deal as an unfair procedural trick.

We need to keep as many of our Democratic Senators in line as possible in order to kill the GOP attack on the Iran deal. Will you chip in $3 or more now so we can go all in on getting 41 solid anti-war votes now?

Thanks for everything you've done to help Democrats in Congress stand firm against the war hawks. 

- Eden

Eden James, Political Director

Democracy for America