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Sept. 3, 2015

Martin Armstrong Warns: The #1 Terrorist Group Is You, Domestic Citizens

Tyler Durden’s pictureSubmitted by Tyler Durden on 09/02/2015 19:25 -0400

Understand this now. As Jim Quinn explains, YOU are the enemy of the state. They don’t give a shit about you. They treat you as sheep and cows to be sheared and milked. If you start questioning them, they will slaughter you. They have militarized the police forces and put you under 24 hour surveillance because they fear an uprising. There only a few hundred thousand of them and there are millions of us. A conflict is looming.

As Armstrong Economics’ Martin Armstrong details, government talks about Islamic terrorists, but their number one fear is YOU.









The internment camps are for you, not Islamic extremists. Government CANNOT honor its promises so it will not even try.

They are confiscating money everywhere, doubling fines, and punishing people for insane things.

A neighbor received a ticket and a $200 fine for using a cell phone while driving. The use? Looking at the Google Maps. She even went to court with her phone records to prove she was not on the phone. The judge declared that she should have looked at that BEFORE she left. I suppose if you write down the directions and look at the piece of paper that is OK, you just can’t look at it on your phone. That applies to even looking at the time on your phone.

The government claims it wants to eliminate guns to protect society. The problem will be that the criminals do not buy their guns at a store. They want to disarm the public because you are their number one fear as outlined in this discussion paper.