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Trump's Illegal Immigration Crackdown

American Action News

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August 25, 2015


Illegal immigration is bringing our country to the point of major crisis.

There's only one presidential candidate who will once and for all crack down on illegal immigration in our country-- and that candidate is Donald Trump.

Trump's comprehensive plan begins with overturning Obama's illegal executive orders granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Next, Trump's plan will:


  Build a wall on our southern border to keep illegal immigrants from entering our country. This wall will keep out anyone trying to enter our country illegally.
  Find and deport illegal immigrants in our country. Trump will Increase the number of immigration enforcement officers so they have the resources needed to find and deport the illegal immigrants who are here now.
  Eliminate birthright citizenship. Ending this practice removes one of the biggest motivators for illegal immigrants to come here.

Add your name to our "Stand with Donald Trump" pledge today to show your support for Donald Trump's campaign and his tough, no-nonsense plan to stop illegal immigration.

The stakes in this election cycle could not be any higher, and the differences between Donald Trump and the rest of the field cannot be more clear.

Since day one of his campaign, Donald Trump has been willing to speak out and shine the spotlight on the many problems with our current system, and it's this intense focus on the critical issue helped him skyrocket to the top of the polls.

While Donald Trump is an unabashed believer in our rule of law that has made America great, several other Republican candidates for president support granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

As we've seen before, a Republican nominee for president who is soft on illegal immigration leads to a Democrat victory. If our eventual Republican nominee is a candidate that supports amnesty for illegal immigrants, then we should hand over the keys to the White House to the Democrats now.

Friend, there's no question in my mind-- we must ensure Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for President. If you agree, then I need you to add your name to our "Stand with Donald Trump" pledge today and then make a donation of $25, $50, $100 or more to help with our efforts to elect Donald Trump.

For Freedom,

Shaun McCutcheon

Chairman, Conservative Action Fund

P.S. There's only one candidate for President we can count on to crack down on illegal immigration, and that candidate is Donald Trump. His no-nonsense plan will stop illegal immigration once and for all. Sign the "Stand with Donald Trump" pledge today to show your support for his illegal immigration plan today.