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Sarah Alexander

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July 22, 2015

Just this month, the California Council on Science and Technology (CCST) finally released their long-awaited study on fracking in the Golden State, and it confirms what we've been saying all along: fracking and other extreme extraction is dangerous and puts our health and environment at risk.


In fact, the scientists who authored the study say California’s oil regulators lack the data and the power to adequately protect the public and avoid health risks associated with fracking and other forms of oil development, even if they wanted to. This further confirms what we've been saying all along: Fracking cannot be done safely, so it should not be done at all!


This report comes after months of seemingly endless and unbelievable reports that shed light on the blatant disregard for California's health and environment by the oil industry.

  • March 10, 2015 — An investigation by the L.A. Times shows that the oil industry has been illegally injecting billions of gallons of toxic wastewater into California's protected water aquifers.¹
  • May 2, 2015 —Reports show that the oil industry is selling toxic wastewater to farmers to irrigate crops, with inadequate testing. Independent testing by Water Defense found traces of industrial solvents, toxic chemicals and oil in the wastewater being used on our food.²
  • May 19, 2015 —Santa Barbara is devastated by a pipeline break at Refugio Beach.³ More testing shows that the oil from this spill made its way hundreds of miles down the coast to Ventura and Los Angeles County beaches.
  • July, 2015 —In addition to this new CCST study, a state-commissioned environmental impact report (EIR) was released last week. The EIR found that impacts to air quality, public safety and climate from extreme oil production methods are “significant and unavoidable.” These two studies leave no doubt that fracking threatens our communities and the environment, and should be banned in California.
  • Join thousands of Californians and demand that Gov. Brown listen to the science and ban fracking now

Enough is enough! Can you take one minute and sign the petition to Governor Brown demanding that he take action to protect us?


Almost two years ago, I confronted Governor Brown in person about his support for fracking and asked him to be a true climate leader by banning it. He told me to wait for the research and listen to the science. Now today, I'm asking him to do the same. It's more clear than ever before that if Governor Brown wants to be a champion for our climate and truly protect our state, he needs to ban fracking and extreme extraction now.  Add your name to the list of Californians demanding a ban on fracking.


Over the past couple years, with the support of activists like you, we've been able to build a huge movement against fracking and extreme extraction in California. Right now is a game-changing moment in our fight, and we need everyone to take action. That's why we're partnering with over a dozen other organizations on this joint petition demanding that Governor Brown use his authority to ban fracking. Please sign the petition today and demand a ban on fracking in California.


Thanks for taking action,


Tia Lebherz

California Organizer

Food & Water Watch



1. Agencies admit failing to protect water sources from fuel production, LA Times, March 10, 2015.

2. Food & Water Watch and Water Defense Call for Halt to Irrigating Food Crops with Oil Field Wastewater in Nation's Produce Basket, Food & Water Watch, May 26, 2015.

3. Tar Washed Up on SoCal Beach Linked to Refugio Oil Spill, Associated Press, June 22, 2015.