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URGENT ACTION: Stop the Mexican gray wolf extinction bill!

Jamie Rappoport Clark, Defenders of Wildlife

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July 2, 2015

The anti-wildlife frenzy in Congress has taken another dark turn. And this one is truly despicable.

Last week, Congressmen Pearce and Gosar introduced HR 2910, a bill that would remove Endangered Species Act (ESA) protection and terminate all federal recovery efforts for the Mexican gray wolf in Arizona and New Mexico. Despite widespread public support for wolf recovery in both states, this bill would all but guarantee the extinction of these beautiful animals.

HR 2910 is the latest in a long line of bills intended to cripple the Endangered Species Act by replacing sound science with special interest driven politics. In fact, more than 50 bills introduced this year have been aimed at eroding the very foundation of wildlife conservation in this country.

The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s foot-dragging and the endless sabotaging by anti-wolf politicians in Arizona and New Mexico have crippled Mexican gray wolf recovery.

This has gone on for almost 20 years – now these wolves are running out of time and heading toward extinction.

Today, only 109 of these top predators cling to survival in the American Southwest.

Take Action: Tell your Representative to oppose HR 2910, and demand full recovery efforts for the critically endangered Mexican gray wolf!

Tell your Representative to oppose any efforts to end ESA protection and abandon Mexican gray wolf recovery!

Thank you so much for your commitment and your compassion.

For the wolves,

Jaime Rappaport Clark

Jamie Rappaport Clark

President, Defenders of Wildlife