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TPP Fast Track Passes

Amanda Johnson -- Working Families

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13 Democratic senators sold out working families yesterday by giving away Congress' authority to make any changes to the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal (TPP).

That's right, they passed the Fast Track. President Obama now has the power to bring the TPP up for a yes-no vote in Congress. But before he does, he's finally required to make the agreement public for anyone to see for 60 days. 

In the coming months, we're going to study the agreement closely and fight with everything we've got to make sure we defeat any deal that puts the demands of multinational corporations over the needs of working families. 

But right now, we should make sure these Trans-Pacific sell-outs pay for what they've done.

Tell these Democrats: You just traded working families for a corporate power grab on our economy. Shame on you.

Thank you,

Amanda Johnson

Previous email:

The Trans-Pacific sell-outs.

I'm fuming. Livid. Bellicose. This thesaurus doesn't have enough words for how angry I am.

Today, thirteen Democratic Senators turned their back on working families, linked arms with Republicans, and put the Trans-Pacific Partnership Fast Track bill up for a vote tomorrow -- essentially giving the bill a clear pathway to President Obama's desk.

These Democrats don't even fully know what's in this deal written in secret by corporations. 

But here's what we do know they voted for, thanks to leaked drafts: outsourcing jobs, weakening environmental and human right protections, and allowing corporations to sue countries for domestic laws that hurt their bottom line -- all at the expense of working families. 

This is backstabbing at its finest.

Tell these Democrats: You just traded working families for a corporate power grab on our economy. Shame on you.

We'll deliver your signature this week and make sure these Trans-Pacific sell-outs feel the backlash from their vote.

As disappointed as I am at these Democrats, I'm proud of what we accomplished. When the campaign against the TPP first got started, it was unthinkable that Fast Track could even be stopped.

Together, we threw every roadblock we could to stop Fast Track from passing:

  • When Fast Track was going through the House, activists like you sent 43,000 emails to Minority House Leader Nancy Pelosi and convinced her to take the lead in rallying Democrats against the bill.
  • Working Families supporters made 3,000 calls to the House and Senate at crucial moments and helped to stop Fast Track temporarily in the House.
  • In New York, supporters joined rallies and attended town halls asking Rep. Gregory Meeks and Rep. Joseph Crowley, to vote the right way. When Fast Track came up in the House, Rep. Crowley voted against it.
  • Oregon Working Families Party threatened to run a challenger against Sen. Ron Wyden if he voted for Fast Track -- and now all bets are off.

Tomorrow, Congress will put the last nail in the coffin and give away its authority to make changes to the TPP. But that doesn't mean they need to approve a bad deal. When the TPP agreement comes up for a vote, we'll call on members of Congress to defeat any deal that puts the demands of multinational corporations over the needs of working families. 

And we won't forget who chooses the wrong side.

But right now, we have 13 Democrats who have already crossed the line. Tell these Democrats: You just traded working families for a corporate power grab on our economy. Shame on you.

Thank you, for all you've done throughout this campaign. 

Amanda Johnson