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Jim Babka President DownsizeDC.

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Julne 23, 2015

Bet you didn't know that #PatriotAct is ALSO a way to rob your bank account #tlot (Please Retweet)

It's not just warrantless surveillance. The Patriot Act can harm you in other ways.

That’s why I told Congress to repeal ALL of it through's "Repeal the Patriot Act" campaign. 

Please join me. You may borrow from or copy this letter…

The Patriot Act was sold as an anti-terror bill.

That was a LIE. If it was about terrorists, Americans like convenience store owner Lyndon McLellan would have nothing to worry about.


The IRS invoked the Patriot Act's banking laws to take $107,000 -- 13 years of savings -- from his store’s bank account. (

Under the Patriot Act...

* If I deposit more than $10,000 in cash in a day, my bank MUST report on me.
* But if I deposit than LESS than $10,000, my bank may STILL report on me.
* Since you're in Congress, you have nothing to worry about.

Why might they still report me? Because if my deposits can be construed to have the slightest appearance of being designed to fall under the $10,000 mark, then my money is now suspected of a crime.

You don't have to worry about these things, because you're in Congress. And you probably don't really care about me, but I'm going to tell you what YOU did to Lyndon McLellan anyway. I hope it costs you sleep at night.  

NO federal agency claimed McClellan's money was tied to terrorism. No official said it was tied to ANY crime!


The IRS invoked asset forfeiture laws (which you must also repeal) to steal McLellan's hard-earned money.

This happened EVEN AFTER the IRS said it would stop seizing the bank accounts of clearly innocent people!

You can't trust them!

And I probably can't trust you!

Because you know that this $10,000 reporting requirement is just ONE of many provisions in the Patriot Act that take away our liberties, but do NOTHING to protect us from terrorism.

I've had enough! I'm telling my neighbors and friends that you refuse to…



Tell your Congresscritter that you're on to them here. 

The Downsize DC tool is unique. We do NOT send emails! We…

  • Use your contact information to,
  • Fill out the webform located at the congressional website, in such a way that the office knows it's hearing from a constituent, and
  • Deliver your letter to both your Representative and two Senators simultaneously, plus
  • We don't charge you anything to do it!

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Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,

Jim Babka
President, Inc.