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Jim Dean, Democracy for America

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June 16, 2015

I've got some good news and some bad news: Fast Track has been derailed -- but Republicans and the White House are trying to buy time to get it back on track so they can grease the skids on the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

Instead of pushing forward on a new vote again today, as they threatened to do, Speaker John Boehner and the White House decided to punt on it for six more weeks -- and a few hours ago, the full House voted to extend the deadline to July 31 on a "Trade Adjustment Assistance" bill that is the critical missing link in passing Fast Track through Congress.

As the New York Times speculated, "the delay could enable lawmakers to tie the trade program to other more popular measures later this summer as a way of luring approval from reluctant members of both parties."

Even though it's been derailed, Fast Track is not dead yet. We need to be prepared in case Republicans and President Obama try to pass the TAA and Fast Track again, possibly on very short notice. That's why Democracy for America is going to keep fighting -- and we need your help.

Can Speaker Boehner and the White House succeed in reviving Fast Track? It's hard to say, but DFA members are going to keep fighting until it's no longer a question.

Fortunately, the progressive movement now has the momentum on our side. Because of the unprecedented grassroots pressure on Congress driven by a diverse group of organizations and activists, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is now calling for a "new paradigm" in how we evaluate trade proposals, Steny Hoyer is saying the White House may be on the verge of giving up, and the government of New Zealand -- one of the countries negotiating the TPP -- thinks it could take years to get the TPP back on track.

With each passing day, it's becoming clear that the progressive movement achieved one of the biggest victories in years with the derailment of Fast Track for the Trans-Pacific Partnership last Friday.

But, as we said on Friday, we know the legions of corporate executives and industry lobbyists who are pushing the job-killing TPP will do everything in their power to win. Of course, so will we: The hundreds of thousands of grassroots activists who have been brought together by this critical battle will not rest until the TPP is dead, buried, and covered in six inches of concrete.

Keep in mind that trade deals like this usually sail right through the Congress. After Republicans took control of the Senate in 2014, the one thing that political pundits confidently predicted was that Congress would pass Fast Track for the TPP in 2015.

But, thanks to the activism of DFA members like you, the TPP has become a defining issue in American politics and DFA become one of the most influential groups on the issue. Just a few days ago, "The Hill," one of the leading news outlets covering Congress, called DFA "one of twelve groups to watch" in the fight over the TPP -- and Rachel Maddow cited DFA prominently in her MSNBC coverage of the vote last Friday.

Congress has set a July 31 deadline on a final resolution to the Fast Track debate, which will make or break the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Will you help DFA keep fighting over the next six weeks? Please chip in $3 or more NOW to make sure we kill Fast Track for the TPP -- for good.

This recognition is a reflection of the amazing work DFA members like you have been doing to stop the TPP. Just in the last few days before Friday's big vote, DFA members made more than 2,600 calls to Leader Pelosi and members of Congress urging them to vote "No" on Fast Track and the Trade Adjustment Assistance bill that would have cut $700 million from Medicare.

In total, more than 173,000 DFA members made this potential victory possible, taking action almost daily for nearly two years to defeat the TPP, and joining more than 2 million progressive activists who signed petitions -- delivered by DFA, CREDO, MoveOn, and several other amazing organizations -- to the House urging them to stop the TPP.

We've got six weeks -- or perhaps less -- to kill Fast Track for good. Will you chip in $3 or more to help DFA members like you keep fighting until it's over?

While it appears that Fast Track is on the ropes, we're under no illusion that this is the end of the fight. And we've got to keep hitting back -- hard -- until it's over. Please chip in $3 or more to help us continue the fight to kill Fast Track for good.

Thank you for standing together and fighting back. Together, we're unstoppable.

- Jim

Jim Dean, Chair

Democracy for America