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Murshed Zaheed, CREDO Action

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June 11, 2015

Tell Rep. Noem: No Fast Track for TPP. Make a call today.


With important votes coming up in the House as soon as tomorrow, now is the time to tell your representative, Kristi Noem, that you oppose "Fast Track trade authority" and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Call her office today and ask her to vote against Fast Track for trade deals such as the TPP.

Click below for a sample script and the number to call:

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is a secret "trade" deal being negotiated behind closed doors by the governments of a dozen countries (including ours) colluding with corporate interests.

Under the TPP, more American jobs would be offshored. Internet freedom would be a joke. Developing countries would lose access to lifesaving medicines. Unsafe foods and products could pour into our country. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

The House of Representatives could vote on "Fast Track trade authority" as early as tomorrow, which would short-circuit the typical legislative process that occurs when trade deals like the TPP come up for a vote.

To stop the TPP, we need to stop Fast Track.

Call Rep. Noem's office today to ask her to vote against Fast Track for the TPP. Click here for the number to call and a sample script.

It's the job of Congress to fully vet trade deals and ensure they work for everyone, not just giant corporations. And it would be a deeply irresponsible abdication of responsibility for Congress to pass Fast Track when we know the TPP is coming down the pike, especially when we know the consequences of the TPP could be disastrous.

We are also hearing reports that Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi is working to strike a last-minute deal with Republicans that may include a rotten compromise package with hundreds of millions in cuts to Medicare funding. This is not acceptable.

That is why the overwhelming majority of House Democrats are opposed to Fast Track. And dozens of House Republicans oppose Fast Track because it takes power away from Congress and gives it to President Obama.

Now is the time to speak out against Fast Track. Even if your member of Congress has taken a public position against Fast Track for TPP, she needs to hear that her constituents are backing her up.

Call Rep. Noem's office today to ask her to vote against Fast Track for the TPP. Click here for the number to call and a sample script.

Thank you for speaking out. Your activism matters.

Murshed Zaheed, Deputy Political Director

CREDO Action from Working Assets

Click below for a sample script and the number to call:

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