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We're Going to Stop Fast Track and Defeat the TPP!

Roger HIckey - Campaign for America's Future

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June 3, 2015

You know what a disaster the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) would be for our country. 

We need you to call your member of Congress TODAY to demand they vote no on “fast track” -- the undemocratic law that “greases the skids” for TPP by forcing a vote with little debate and no amendments. 

Click here to call your member of Congress.

It doesn’t matter whether your member of Congress supports, opposes or is undecided about fast track. The phone calls of CAF activists and hundreds of other groups will swamp Congress with calls – if we all call TODAY.

Click here to call your member of Congress and tell him or her to vote against fast track.

Please forward this message to your friends and share this link: 

Today is the day. Please call now.

Best, Roger Hickey