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Today we're going to court to stop the rush to drill in the Arctic Ocean--help us win!

Trip Van Noppen, Earthjustice

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June 3, 2015

Since I wrote you, our attorneys have filed another case in court to protect the Arctic Ocean.

This new case directly challenges the Interior Department’s approval of Shell Oil’s irresponsible Arctic Ocean exploration plan.

We’re doing everything we can to stop Shell Oil and save the Arctic Ocean ecosystem, but we need your support now more than ever to stand up to powerful corporate interests. Will you help?

Make an urgent tax-deductible gift to protect our natural world, and your gift will be matched 2-for-1.

Thank you for your support,

Trip Van Noppen










Give today!

Shell Oil is rushing to drill in the Arctic Ocean. Today we’re going to court to challenge their leases—help us win!

Walrus cow and calf on the ice. (Joel Garlich-Miller / U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service)

Help stop Shell and all those who threaten the environment, and your gift will be matched 2-for-1.


Today, we’re starting a renewed legal challenge to stop the leasing of vital wildlife habitat in the Arctic’s Chukchi Sea for oil and gas drilling.

Offshore Arctic drilling is a disaster waiting to happen for the wildlife and pristine waters of America’s Arctic Ocean.

With our latest challenge, we’re fighting to stop this onslaught of new irresponsible oil drilling, but to win, we need your help.

The Earthjustice Board of Trustees and Council have offered to match your gift 2-for-1 if you give now, before June 30!

This is a rare opportunity to TRIPLE the impact of your support.

The Arctic Ocean is one of the world’s last pristine wild ecosystems, providing habitat to iconic species like polar bears, bowhead whales and walruses. It is already at risk from the effects of climate change, warming at twice the rate of the rest of the planet.

But Shell Oil is rushing a reckless plan to drill in the region…as early as July!

We need to fight back NOW. Give now, before the end of June, and your gift will be matched 2-for-1.

The consequences of a spill in the Arctic would be disastrous, with oil spewing into ocean waters that provide critical habitat for wildlife like polar bears, walruses and bowhead whales—waters so icy, rugged and unpredictable that a spill of any kind could be nearly impossible to clean up.

And a spill is likely. Recently, a government environmental report predicted a 75% chance of at least one major spill if oil and gas drilling leads to development in the Chukchi Sea! Yet, despite these odds, Shell is rushing full-speed ahead.

What’s more, opening the Arctic Ocean to drilling takes us in exactly the wrong direction on fighting runaway climate change.

Earthjustice is fighting reckless Arctic Ocean oil drilling like Shell’s plan on multiple fronts and in multiple court battles, but with little time and an army of oil and gas lawyers and lobbyists working against us, we need your support.

Give now to help us take immediate action to protect the Arctic Ocean and take on other critical fights, and your gift will be tripled.

With your help, we’re also challenging Shell’s use of the Port of Seattle as a home base for its Arctic drilling fleet and the company’s inadequate oil spill response plan, and fighting in Washington, D.C., for responsible energy policies that protect the Arctic, wildlife and the planet.

We’ve protected the Arctic from Shell Oil before, and with your help, we will do so once again.

Help us continue to work on every level to make sure we keep this remote and pristine area protected.


Staff photo

Trip Van Noppen



P.S. Give now to help us take on Shell Oil—and all those who threaten the environment—and your generous gift will be matched 2-for-1.

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