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Filibuster Hour 6

Doug Stafford

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May 20, 2015

When you believe in a cause, you will fight for it no matter what.

Senator Paul has been standing on the Senate floor for 6 hours because he believes your phone records are NONE of the government's business.

Will you "Stand with Rand"?

He's filibustering the so-called "PATRIOT Act" because he wants to end illegal domestic spying.

Not two years from now.

Not two months from now.

But right now.

That's why it's crucial you join his filibuster IMMEDIATELY.

His filibuster has already made national headlines on Fox News.

There is no sneaking through a renewal of illegal spying before a holiday weekend and then slinking back home.

This fight is going to be held with a public debate for all Americans to see.

So please help Senator Paul turn the heat up on his colleagues by joining his filibuster right away.

Help him mobilize grassroots conservatives FED UP with illegal NSA spying by adding your name to the filibuster today.

Please don't ignore this email.

This is a defining moment.

So please join the filibuster and chip in a contribution to help Senator Paul rally conservative to turn up the heat on his colleagues.



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In Liberty,

Doug Stafford

Chief Strategist