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Charles Chamberlain -- Democracy for America

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I didn't think it was possible -- but the Trans-Pacific Partnership just got a lot worse.


There's a big -- brand new -- attack on Medicare that's just been added in the Senate to the Fast Track bill for the TPP. The bill would cut a whopping $700 million from Medicare, hurting seniors who need access to health care.


That's right, Republicans insisted on cutting Medicare spending to pay for a Trade Adjustment Assistance program that Democrats got added to the bill in order to support workers who lost their jobs due to trade deals like the TPP.


This is ridiculous. If Senators are concerned about the impact of the TPP on jobs, then they should reject the the Fast Track bill that makes it possible -- especially if the plan to pay for it comes out of the pockets of seniors who rely on Medicare to survive.


The Senate is about to vote again on Fast Track for the TPP. President Obama is pressuring Democrats to vote for it, even with this cut to Medicare. We have just a few days to stop them.



Medicare is already under threat from Republican budget cuts. This $700 million cut would make matters much worse.


This new cut would erode Medicare's capacity to ensure seniors and others have access to medical services. It pits Americans who need assistance because of a trade deal that cost them their job against Americans who need Medicare.


Sign our petition: Tell the Senate to protect Medicare, protect jobs, and reject Fast Track for the TPP.


We stopped the Fast Track bill a few days ago in the Senate. Now Democrats are coming under intense pressure from big corporations and the White House to reverse their position and back this bad deal. Now is the time to stand up and stop this attack on Medicare and on jobs.


Sign the petition: Tell Senators to reject Medicare cuts and reject Fast Track for the TPP.


Thank you for taking a stand to protect Medicare.


- Charles


Charles Chamberlain, Executive Director

Democracy for America