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Amanda Johnson -- Working Families

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May 12, 2015

BREAKING: Senate Democrats have blocked a vote on "fast tracking" the Trans-Pacific Partnership! 

The White House is calling it a "procedural snafu." Patrick, don't believe a word of it. This is a strategic victory. 

Activists like you have made calls, wrote emails, went to rallies and more to tell Democrats to STOP this bad deal -- and today's vote showed they heard us loud and clear. 

The TPP is not dead yet. We need to keep the pressure on the Senate and the House with local events and intense public pressure. 

Can you donate $5 to fund our campaign to take down the TPP? Click here.

Even top TPP advocates like Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) voted against the fast-track authority today. 

This is in no small part due to Working Families activism around the country. We've been pushing Sen. Wyden through local events and in the press to stand against the TPP for months. Just a few weeks ago,  New York Rep. Joseph Crowley came out against the new NAFTA after we held events and made calls urging him to stand with working families. 

We won't stop putting the pressure on our representatives -- and clearly it's working! Now we need to bring it to the finish line.

Contribute $5 to fund our campaign to protect workers and defeat the TPP!

We can win!

Amanda Johnson

Working Families