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Jim Babka President DownsizeDC.

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May 7, 2015

Please tell Congress to repeal the Surveillance State.  And retweet this.


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Your "leaders" want surveillance reform to fail...



* Sen. McConnell wants to renew expiring Patriot Act provisions without reform for five more years

* Rep. Boehner is willing to pass the USA Freedom Act, but won’t allow amendments to improve it


IF USA Freedom passes as is, the NSA could still...


* sweep up the records of an entire company, or of innocent people who share a wireless network (

* continue "backdoor" searches of our devices (


The bill ALSO increases punishment for "material support" of terrorists, a law that’s been used to prosecute free speech and even defense attorneys! (


To make matters worse, it hasn't prevented an act of terrorism. I'm including the David Coleman Headley case, as well as the 54 terrorist attacks the NSA claims to have thwarted. No less than President Obama's "Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies" reported that mass surveillance and bulk data collection were “not essential to preventing attacks.”  (


So, instead of fighting for an already-failed reform bill, you should REPEAL surveillance laws.


1. Let expiring provisions die on June 1

2. PASS the Surveillance State Repeal Act (SSRA), which...


* Repeals ALL of the Patriot Act and most of the FISA Amendments Act  

* Bans backdoor spying

* Requires the Feds to get search warrants before spying on us


The SSRA will restore the Fourth Amendment IMMEDIATELY.


Honor your oath to support the Constitution. Pass the SSRA!   



Send your letter using here.


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Thank you for being a DC Downsizer,


Jim Babka

President, Inc.