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Audit the Fed

Ron Paul

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March 28 2015

How many TRILLIONS have we seen the Fed create out of thin air over the past few years?

How many hundreds of BILLIONS have BOTH parties spent in handouts to their political cronies and taxpayer boondoggles like ObamaCare and the bankster bailouts?

And how much more can our country take before every last shred of American liberty and prosperity is wiped out?

Patrick, I'm doing everything I can to stop this madness. And I hate to be this blunt.

But I must ask if you can spare $0.33 a day to help me FIGHT BACK.

You see, I'm counting on as many folks as possible to sign up for Campaign for Liberty's critical Patriot Club monthly contributor program.

You can sign up for $0.33 a day – just $10.00 a month.

The great news is, this program comes with many special perks and benefits, which I'll tell you about shortly . . .

And there's no better way you can help Campaign for Liberty's critical ongoing efforts – especially with everything you and I have on our plates right now, including:

*** EXPOSING the U.S. Federal Reserve by passing my Audit the Fed Bill (H.R. 24/S.264).

Fed Chairwoman Janet Yellen and other Federal Reserve apologists are doing whatever they can to derail you and me. But, with your help, I believe we can overcome them – and finally EXPOSE the Fed's corruption, cronyism, and economic destruction to the American people;

*** DEFEATING the statists' National ID/Database Scheme included in H.R. 1147, which just sailed through the U.S. House Judiciary Committee.

If passed, this dangerous scheme would create a massive federal database tied to a government-approved ID every American must have in order to legally hold a job. The database itself could include all sorts of personal information on American citizens like gun ownership, employment history, purchasing habits, health records, travel and past political contributions;

*** STOPPING reauthorization of Section 215 of the so-called “PATRIOT” Act, which is set to expire on June 15.

This is the portion of federal law statists point to in order to authorize the NSA's massive domestic spying on law-abiding Americans' emails, phone records, Facebook posts, private chats, and online purchases.

Sadly, that's not even close to the end of it with President Obama looking to “go around Congress” to grow government and infringe on our liberties at every opportunity.

That's why your membership in Patriot Club's monthly contributor program is so critical.

The truth is, Patriot Club monthly contributors serve as the foundation for all that Campaign for Liberty does.

You see, over the years, you and I have seen more than our share of last-minute smoky backroom deals, and Big Government assaults on our liberties sold as grand “bipartisan compromises.”

In the past, when groups on our side were limited almost solely to U.S. Mail mobilization, there was almost no way to react in enough time to effectively respond.

Today, email and Social Media are helping to change all of that for our Liberty Movement.

But even these quick-snap communication mediums require resources.

That's where Patriot Club members come in.

Patriot Club monthly contributors' monthly support ensures Campaign for Liberty has the tools AND the resources to fight back at a moment's notice.

With this program, I'm more hopeful than ever that you and I will be able to take on the Big Government establishment of BOTH parties and beat them.

It's a game-changer in every sense of the term.

As I mentioned, I developed some very nice gifts for Patriot Club monthly contributors as our way of saying “THANK YOU” to those who sign up, including:

>>> Exclusive Patriot Club gear items.

Every few months, you'll receive a special new gear item - as long as your membership remains active. You can see the gear items you'll receive in your first year on our sign-up page;

>>> Our quarterly In Liberty magazine.

In Liberty will help keep you up-to-date on all the fights Campaign for Liberty undertakes to defend our liberty.

In addition to these, Campaign for Liberty conducts Patriot Club giveaways regularly as well.

Just in recent months, I've given away a one ounce gold coin and a signed and framed Gadsden Flag.

As we issue new giveaways in the coming months, your name will automatically be added so long as your membership remains active.

I think you'll love all the gifts.

But more than that, I think you'll love knowing you're making as much of a difference as you can.

The Patriot Club monthly contributor program is absolutely critical to all Campaign for Liberty does.

It gives you and me a chance to stand up and fight for our liberty every single minute of every single day.

So won't you please sign up right away?

Your support would mean the world to me.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul


P.S. I'm counting on as many folks as possible to sign up for Campaign for Liberty's critical Patriot Club monthly contributor program.

You can sign up for $0.33 a day – just $10.00 a month.

And this program comes with many special perks – like exclusive gear, C4L's In Liberty newsletter and automatic entry into regular Patriot Club giveaways.

In recent months, I've given away a gold coin and a signed and framed Gadsden Flag – and more giveaways are right around the corner!