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Stop the TPP: Sign our coalition petition

Robert Cruickshank, Democracy for Amerca

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It's one of the biggest progressive mobilizations in years -- all to stop a bad trade deal that could destroy more American jobs.

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) badly hurt the American middle class, sending hundreds of thousands of our jobs overseas and eroding wages for others -- while benefitting huge, multinational corporations.

Now Congress is considering approval of a new trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) that many are calling "NAFTA on steroids." Worse, Congress is being asked by the White House to rubber stamp the deal. The president wants Fast Track authority that would limit Congress's ability to amend or even review the proposed deal.

Progressive leaders are coming together to stop Fast Track and the TPP. We've successfully delayed a Fast Track bill for over a month. But we need your support to stop it for good.

Senator Elizabeth Warren has led the charge against the Fast Track provision of the TPP. She's zeroed in on a clause in the deal that would allow companies to go to an independent panel, made up of corporate lobbyists, to overturn American laws and regulations.

We only learned about that provision because of leaks from the TPP negotiations. Right now, the complete text of the deal is secret. If Congress gives Fast Track authority to the White House, Congress won't see the full text until shortly before they vote on the TPP -- and under Fast Track rules, they won't be able to amend the deal.

That's not good for democracy, and it's not good for jobs. Progressives are coming together to stop this deal and stop Fast Track authority. To keep up the momentum, we need your signature ASAP


.Join members of Democracy for America, Progressives United, Daily Kos, Campaign for America's Future, and Representatives Keith Ellison, Raúl Grijalva, and Mark Pocan -- sign the petition to stop Fast Track for the TPP today!

Sign our coalition's petition to stop Fast Track for the TPP today!

Thank you for helping stop this awful trade deal.

- Robert

Robert Cruickshank, Senior Campaign Manager

Democracy for America