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Republicans Budget Cuts Medicare, Social Security - Is there no alternative?

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March 18, 2015

On Tuesday, the Republicans released their budget. It was even worse than expected. It cuts Medicare and Medicaid. It slashes funds for nursing homes. Food stamps, Head Start, Pell grants for college, support for the vulnerable and investment in good jobs are all on the block.
The radical right-wingers are generous to some. They offer a healthy tax cut for wealthy individuals and corporations. Military spending is increased by $40 billion next year.
Congress should vote this terrible budget down. But that’s not enough. We have an alternative: The People’s Budget introduced by the Progressive Caucus.
The People’s Budget makes investments vital to our future. It modernizes our infrastructure and makes preschool and college available to all. In the next decade, it will create 8 million jobs. It pays for this by reducing bloated Pentagon budgets, and ensuring the rich and corporations pay their fair share of taxes.
Click here to sign on as a citizen co-sponsor of the Congressional Progressive Caucus People's Budget: A Raise for America.
It is time for Congress to hear that Americans want a new course. We know the deck is stacked. We want a straight deal. Join us as a citizen co-sponsor of the CPC People’s Budget.