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Who’s the criminal: James Clapper or Edward Snowden? 

Jim Babka President DownsizeDC.

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March 20, 2015

QUOTE OF THE DAY: "Secrecy is the health of the national security state--the more revelations, the weaker it's likely to become." - Gary Chartier


Please help build momentum to pardon Edward Snowden. Ask Congress to pressure the President using's Pardon Snowden campaign.


You may borrow from or edit this letter...


We should THANK Edward Snowden for exposing the NSA’s unconstitutional and immoral bulk collection of our Internet activities and phone data.


Instead, he faces possibly decades in prison if he returns to America.  


In contrast, Director of National Intelligence James Clapper lied to Congress about the NSA’s data-mining program. That’s a felony, but he was never even investigated or fired.


If Clapper can get away with lying, what does that tell us? Is there a  "secret government" that Congress is subservient to?


Is the Republic dead?


Pardoning Snowden would be one way of restoring accountability. But the President won’t pardon Snowden unless it’s politically expedient.


That’s why YOU must take action.


* Pass a resolution telling the President that Edward Snowden should be pardoned.

* Pass a bill that prohibits funding for Snowden’s prosecution.

* Pass a bill that reinstates Snowden’s U.S. passport.


I'll be watching what you do.




Send your letter using's Educate the Powerful System.


And please ask friends and family who agree with you on this issue, to join you in using the Educate the Powerful System to send their message. You can do so by forwarding this message.


Jim Babka

President, Inc.