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Save the Tongass from timber industry attacks!

Tom Waldo, Earthjustice

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March 18l, 2015

Since I last wrote you about the fight in the Tongass National Forest, my colleagues and I have been hard at work.

After the U.S. Forest Service approved the Big Thorne timber sale—the largest old-growth clear-cutting project in the Tongass National Forest in decades—my team and I sprang into action.

We’re fighting with two lawsuits to stop this extreme old-growth logging and save vital habitat for the Alexander Archipelago wolf.

But we’re up against a powerful industry and we continue to face new threats in the region. We need you by our side for the long haul!

To help us take on long-term fights like this and win, a longtime Earthjustice supporter is offering to match your monthly gift $1-for-$1 for one year—up to a total of $25,000—if you give by March 31.

If the State of Alaska and its allies in the logging industry get their way, rules that protect the Tongass could soon be swept away—with roadbuilding and massive old-growth logging to follow.

The courts are our last line of defense to protect this crown jewel of the national forest system, home to towering stands of 700-year-old trees that provide vital habitat for bears, salmon, Sitka black-tailed deer, goshawks, and the rare and dwindling Alexander Archipelago wolf. Will you help us save this majestic forest?

For decades, Earthjustice has fought to protect the Tongass from timber industry attacks—and we’ve won. We defended the Roadless Rule in the region, protected imperiled species, and fought to stop massive dead-end roads from being built. But today we need your help.

Help us stand up to timber industry attacks.

Save the wild with a monthly gift today that will be matched $1-for-$1 for the next 12 months.

Thank you for all that you do,

Staff photo

Tom Waldo

Senior Staff Attorney

Earthjustice, Juneau


P.S. We’re fighting to save the Tongass and prevent vast swaths of ancient coastal rainforest from being clear-cut—but we need your help! Make a monthly gift today to help us fight long-term battles like this and your gift will be matched $1-for-$1 for a year—up to $25,000.