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McDonald's: Stop treating burns with MUSTARD

Brittney Berry

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One day, under pressure to rush at my job at McDonald's, I slipped on a wet floor. I reached out to catch myself - and I got caught on a hot grill.

My arm was burned. Badly. The managers had no first aid kit, no gauze. To treat the burn, they gave me mustard. Yes, mustard.

When the mustard didn't stop the severe pain, I was rushed by ambulance to the hospital. I was treated, given morphine for the pain - that's how bad it was. I was forced to sit out work (with no pay) for weeks. I struggled to feed my daughter with no checks coming in.

Here's the crazy part: It's not just me. FOUR out of FIVE fast food workers have a similar story of being hurt, many badly, at work. Our bosses push us to work understaffed and fast - too fast - and we get burned.

Tell the Department of Labor to investigate companies like McDonald's for putting MILLIONS of fast-food workers at risk every day.

As bad as my burn was - the problem is even bigger. Fast food workers across the country are hurt every day. Over a third report that first aid kits are missing, incomplete, or inaccessible at their stores.  

Another third say they were given condiments - mustard and butter - to treat their wounds. Seriously. It happens all the time, and it's so wrong. Our bosses should treat us like humans...not hamburgers!!

It’s horrific. And it needs to end.

Sign the petition. Ask the Department of Labor to hold our profit-hungry fast-food bosses accountable for valuing their bottom line over the health and safety of their employees:

Take action now:

The Department of Labor has the power to force McDonald's and the fast food giants fix these terrible working conditions. But they need to hear from you and the thousands of Americans that stand with us. That's why it's so important that you speak up today. 

It takes just a couple minutes - send a message to Secretary of Labor Thomas Perez right now:

Thanks for standing with us,

Brittney Berry 

McDonald's Employee, Chicago, IL

Fight for $15