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10 Reasons NOT to Authorize the Use of Military Force

Dennis J. Kucinich

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March 11, 2015

...Here we go again...!
The Obama administration made its first formal bid in the United States Senate today to seek permission from Congress to wage endless, global war in the name of pursuing ISIS, (which surfaced as a response to US interventions, occupations and other military actions).
The Senate hearing was a ball of confusion. Administration officials engaged in a lot of equivocation (doubletalk) when pressed by Senators about the length of the new war and the use of ground troops.
It is URGENT that you weigh in and tell Congress NO to endless war.
This latest request for a new war authorization will bring a permanent war and make us, and our nation, less safe. Many of us worked together to challenge the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan and Libya. We need to step up again. Below I provide a well-researched, fact-based analysis which I urge you to send to your Member of Congress with a request to vote NO.
Please read: 10 Reasons to vote AGAINST the Authorization to Use Military Force (AUMF), by Dennis Kucinich.
Share my analysis and help to stop America from another grave mistake.

