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Police Chief Shane Harger - A Target of Tyranny? [Jemez Spriings, NM]

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FW:  March 6, 2015

 (Feb. 19, 2014)

Supporting tyranny, corruption, and oppression in the name of ignorance is no excuse. While people from all across the nation have been begging, pleading, and demanding police officers to stand upon their oath, to stand against the corrupt, (here, here,) murdering, abusive, criminal tyrants” that wear their “costumes” as a uniform of power and control. Many police officers and sheriffs have been doing just that. They have taken their stand, drawn a line in the sand, and are standing for the Constitution and the people.

The tentacles of corruption have expanded so far within the confines of our nation they are ripping us apart from within. The corrupt attack and target good honorable officers, while uplifting the “murderous, sex offending, abusive criminals” upon a pedestal as if they were kings.

While many of you have heard of Sheriff Richard Mack and the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, you may not have heard of Police Chief Shane Harger. On January 23, 2014, Police Chief Shane Harger kissed his wife and children goodbye and headed off to catch his pre-scheduled flight to Las Vegas, Nevada. His destination was for a constitutional training convention held by the CSPOA. Little did Police Chief Harger know this day would be the beginning of a firestorm that would soon hit a national stage exposing just how deep the tentacles of corruption reach, even into the smallest of towns.

On January 24, 2014 at the CSPOA convention a resolution was signed. Could this be what the “government” is afraid of, or it is simply another TSA agent on a power trip out of control?

This was signed by Police Chief Shane Harger, as well as many other constitutional oath keeping/protecting Sheriffs and Peace officers. Upon Police Chief Shane Harger's return on January 25, 2014 he received a phone call telling him he was to have his officers turn in all of their equipment, disband, and Chief Harger was placed on "administrative duties" leaving the town without any form of police protection. On January 30, 2014 a special Council meeting was held and the Chief was returned to FULL duties. On February 12th Council meeting, the Trustees terminated Chief Harger's employment with the Village.

The Village of Jemez Springs lists several reasons for the termination of Police Chief Shane Harger.

The Council stated several reasons for the Chief's termination. But first, for the record, the Chief's attendance at the Sheriff's Convention was never a factor. In fact, the Village paid for his plane ticket. Nor was the TSA incident a factor in the Chief's release. However, due to a number facts that came to light following the TSA incident, the Council felt it had no choice but to terminate the Chief's tenure.

The Village Personnel Manual states that any Village employee represents the Village at all times. Following the 1/22/14 Council meeting, Chief Harger made a number of disparaging statements about the Village Council and did nothing to correct the false statements being made by others about his situation despite being explicitly asked to do so by the Mayor.

Chief Harger signed a "thanks for the support" email as Chief of Police of Jemez Springs to a gentlemen who emailed an extremely threatening email to Sheriff Wood. This is poor judgement at best and creates a potential liability for the Village.

During the Mayor's holiday absence, the Chief repeatedly failed to follow the reporting procedures explicitly laid out by the Mayor and initiated actions without Mayoral authorization. Failure to comply with explicit directives from one's supervisor is not acceptable. Some of these actions have created a potential liability for the Village.

Evidence has come to light that Chief Harger seriously misled the interview committee. This and the many other issues that have come to light and concerns they raise have led to the Village losing trust in Chief Harger. The Village has decided that it needs to go in another direction.

Many parts of their "reasons" for terminating Police Cheif Harger simply does not add up. I have contacted the Village of Jemez Springs to obtain the minutes for January 22, 2014 Council Meeting. (I will update this article with the minutes as soon as I receive them from The Village of Jemez Springs.)

Lies and propaganda were spread via main stream media, blogs, and social media. These lies were prompted by the Sandoval County Sheriff’s Office and KOAT channel 7 ABC news reporter Doug Fernandez who told the public “Police Chief Harger’s ID didn’t match his boarding pass and that they were not aware he had two ID’s”; Both of which are lies. I will prove that with documents provided below.

Originally I gave the media benefit of the doubt from being complicit in/or knowing they were reporting intentional misrepresentations of the facts. However it has come to light that the MSM did intentionally mislead their viewing audiences into thinking that Police Chief Shane Harger’s driver’s license under the name of “Braxton Haze” was presented to the TSA for proof of identification which did not match his boarding pass. After Police Chief Harger explained in detail what had happened to KOAT Channel 7 news, they choose to continue to run with the “Braxton Haze” name and ID rather than report that Police Chief Shane Harger did indeed provide matching identification to the TSA under the name "Shane Harger". I am here to set the record straight.

1. Did Police Chief Shane Harger have two different ID’s? Yes

2. Why did Chief Harger have two ID’s?

Due to the Levi Chavez case which involved murder, corruption, and cover up by police officers. Chief Harger’s life and that of his family were in danger. In a Joint Service agreement between Valencia County Sheriffs office, Police Chief Harger and the State of Louisiana he was placed into a state involved witness protection program.



The actual document showing that Police Chief Shane Harger did in fact show 3 documents confirming he was Shane Harger including his Louisiana drivers license.

3. How many times was Police Chief Harger questioned by the TSA? 5 separate times.

4. After Police Chief Hargers information had been sorted out by the TSA was he approached by another “federal officer” and harassed? Yes

5. Did the Sheriff of Sandoval County Sheriff’s Department swear Police Chief Harger in as a “Special Commission” ? Yes

6. Is it illegal to have more than one identity in the United States? No. Simply ask Obama aka "Barry Soetoto"

7. Was Police Chief Shane Harger threatened by "federal officer" Gil Guaderram?

Yes, According to Chief Harger Gil Guaderram stated " He knew people in his district, that he was going to make some phone calls." "You haven't heard the last from me, I'm going to make some phone calls, you will be hearing from me again."

Does Sheriff Wood expect the public to believe that he did not require Shane Harger to prove who he was before he would swear him in as an extension of his Sheriff’s department? According to Sandoval County Sheriff’s Department official statement Sheriff Wood admitted he was the one whom swore Shane Harger in under a "Special Deputy's Commission". The driver’s license under the name of Shane Harger was a Louisiana driver’s license. The New Mexico license was issued under Chief Harger’s witness protection identity Braxton S. Haze.



On February 9, 2014 I had the pleasure to co-host PANDA(People Against NDAA) radio with Chuck (Smithfix) Smith interviewing both Police Chief Shane Harger and Sheriff Richard Mack. All lies are exposed as the truth shines thorough exposing what really happened. The twists, turns, and corruption from the federal government down to the local Sheriff, Mayor, and town council will amaze you as you hear the story unfold.

Sheriff Richard Mack of the CSPOA unveils very disturbing information about this “federal agent” Gil Guaderram. Sheriff Richard Mack alleges that Mr. Guaderram was previously fired from Border Patrol due to illegal actions of sexual misconduct with an illegal alien. Yet this “federal officer” was then allowed to become a supervisor within another federal agency. TSA’s track record has been long and distinguished when it comes to hiring criminals, violating 4th Amendment rights, harassment, sexual abuse, theft, all under the “pretense” of keeping us safe while allowing the Muslim Brotherhood to walk right through check points without any pat downs or security measures at all. As the years go by one thing is clear it is only the American citizens they see as a “threat” or “Possible” terrorist.

The monster these constitutional sheriffs and peace officers stand up to for us is unwavering, unforgiving, and brutal to those whom dare challenge their “I am god” mentality. Where are the citizens that have been crying out for help when these brave oath keeping police and sheriffs need their support? Will they stand behind, and beside those that stood for them? Or will they just let their voices wither away in the breeze as these men/women have risked everything from their jobs, their reputations, their safety, and the safety of their children to protect all people’s rights?


Will you stand as they are? Will you defend them? Or will you remain silent and accepting of the oppression and tyranny that chains us all? God forbid. May all voices and souls unite in one mind and one accord in this time of darkness that we may defeat this evil. When targeting happens to one of us it happens to us all. I stand with Police Chief Shane Harger and Sheriff Richard Mack, will you?

NOTE: Please remember it is extremely important to show our support of and for any and all good constitutional sheriffs and peace officers. It is just as important to get your message across while remaining civil, and non threatening. The intention is to create a positive change, not to present ourselves in a negative light while exposing this tyranny.

Contact information:

Sandoval County Sheriff's Office

P.O. Box 5219

Bernalillo, New Mexico 87004

Main: 505-867-7526

Fax: 505-867-7608

Contact: Lt. Keith Elder

Cell: 505-220-0243


TSA Albuquerque Airport

2200 Sunset Blvd

Albuquerque New Mexico 87106

The Village of Jemez Springs

Mayor: Edmond Temple

Office 575-829-3540

Fax: 575-829-3339


If you would like help former Police Chief Shane Harger and his family get through this tough time you can donate via paypal to

I would also suggest you may want to check out Join, Donate, and support the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers while they fight for us.

“He that speaketh truth sheweth forth righteousness: but a false witness deceit. There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health. The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue is but for a moment.” Proverbs 12 v 17-19.

“A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall not escape.” Proverbs 19v5

“A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies shall perish.” Proverbs 19v9

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