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AnnaGalland, MoveOn

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March 3, 2015

If we're going to avoid another U.S. war in the Middle East, this is a moment of truth.

Today, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed a joint session of Congress at the invitation of House Speaker John Boehner.1 As expected, Netanyahu denounced the Obama administration's nuclear negotiations with Iran—encouraging war hawks who've already been organizing in the Senate.  

Now, Democrats in the Senate hold the cards. If they sign onto anti-diplomacy bills that have been introduced in the last few days, we'll be on a slippery slope to war with Iran. On the other hand, if grassroots pressure helps keep Democrats from folding to the hawks, the Obama administration can continue to pursue peace.

It's up to us to make our voices heard. So we're launching an emergency drive to ramp up the pressure on Senate Democrats—to make sure they don't cave in to the intense pressure being applied by war hawks in the wake of Netanyahu's speech. Will you chip in $3 to help prevent another open-ended U.S. war in the Middle East? 

MoveOn members have been a tireless and effective frontline defense in the fight to keep us out of another endless war.

For months, our calls, petitions, op-eds, vigils, and congressional visits have targeted Democrats in Congress—reminding them that if we broker a diplomatic resolution to Iran's nuclear program, the United States would achieve an enormous win—by using tough and principled diplomacy instead of rushing to war.

But the stakes just got higher. What happens next could make or break critical diplomatic negotiations with Iran. To keep off the path to war, we've got to act fast. Will you chip in $3 to help keep us out of another war in the Middle East? 

There are now two dangerous pieces of legislation gaining ground in the Senate: one proposed by Senators Mark Kirk (R-IL) and Bob Menendez (D-NJ), the other introduced by Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC). Both efforts are backed by the same right-wing Republicans who propelled us into the war with Iraq. Both have some Democratic co-sponsors. And both could kill our chances for peaceful diplomacy with Iran in an instant—by driving Iran away from the negotiating table.

Our task is to ensure that Democrats in Congress resist the war hawks. If they hold the line, we'll be able to preserve diplomacy with Iran—and prove that it's a viable option to endless military aggression in the Middle East.

Can you chip in $3 so that MoveOn can galvanize a pro-diplomacy force able to counter these escalating attacks on diplomacy?


With your help, MoveOn will hold Democrats accountable, hold the line, and—if we're successful—we'll give the Obama administration the space it needs to let diplomacy work.

If talks with Iran fail because of unwarranted congressional meddling, Democrats who side with Republican war hawks will be at fault. And we'll make sure that progressive voters will hold them accountable for the remainder of their political careers.

But if we stand strong now and giving diplomacy a chance to work, we can win this. MoveOn members have stopped war hawks from dictating policy throughout Obama's presidency—including this past December, when Republicans tried to torpedo negotiations with Iran. With your help, we can do it again.

Will you chip in $3 and help us stop the march to war?

Yes, I'll chip in.

Thanks for all you do.

Anna, Jadzia, Jo, Manny, and the rest of the team

P.S. Please check out "Democrats: Don't Side With Republicans on Iran," an op-ed by me and Becky Bond of CREDO Action, published in Roll Call

Yes, I'll help MoveOn make sure war hawks in Congress can't push us towards another endless war in the Middle East..



1. "Netanyahu, in Speech to Congress, Criticizes 'Bad Deal' on Iran Nuclear Program," The New York Times, March 3, 2015