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American Citizens are Required to Stop Obama Physically if Necessary


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Feb. 15, 2015

hear folks say if we do as our constitution “COMMANDS” us to do to save our country, the raghead in OUR white house will call for martial law...!!!    So WHAT is worse---we fight back or THEY BEHEAD us...?  How much more are we willing to take from this bunch of evil doers BEFORE we say ENOUGH....??????  For the love of heaven, even our retired and fired military are telling us this administration is hell bent to take down our country...!!!   Will we just sit by and LET THEM...???  I realize there are many AMERICAN MEN who are COWARDS and would rather sit in an easy chair, beer in one hand and their eyes on the big screen TV, but I wager they too will get off their sorry arses and DO SOMETHING to save their own heads when the time comes.  THEY just don’t want to be the FIRST in the FRONT lines...!!!    shirl
Sent: Sunday, February 15, 2015 1:44 PM
Subject: Americans Are Required To Stop Obama Physically If Necessary











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American Citizens Are Required To Stop Obama's Unconstitutional Amnesty Plot



February 15, 2015


by William Gheen

President of ALIPAC


Our organization is about to once again enter the fray againstillegal immigration and against amnesty for illegals in a way that will likely generate new firestorms of public debate, and the backlash and ire from illegal immigration supporters and federal authorities could be unprecedented. In 2014, our work with Overpasses for America and a coalition of around 30 groups led to the largest wave of protests against Obama and illegal immigration ever, and now we are asking all of you to consider taking things to the next level required of us all to save America.


As Americans, We The People are required to put a stop to the numerous unconstitutional and nationally harmful actions of the Obama administration if Congress, the courts, and federal employees continue to fail to honor their Pledges of Allegiance and oaths to protect and defend the Constitution. This is not an optional task for Americans who truly understand the real requirements of and founding principles defining American citizenship.


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