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Time for Tax Justice


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FLeb. 16, 2015

HSBC bank has just been caught red-handed helping some of the world's mega-rich dodge taxes! We'd go to prison for this, but governments are treating these powerful people like they're too big to jail. Let's show them they're not.



Our governments are losing $3 trillion a year to tax dodging -- enough to end extreme world poverty many times over! This leak is the biggest in banking history -- if we don't seize it now to get prosecutions, we may never get a chance like this again.


UK finance minister George Osborne faces an imminent election, while Obama’s new nominee for US Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, has yet to be confirmed in her new job. They're both very sensitive to the public right now, so our million-strong call, delivered via ads and with legislators, could get them to investigate, prosecute, and send the tax-dodging elite a powerful signal: no one is too big to jail!


To UK Chancellor George Osborne, US Attorney General nominee Loretta Lynch, finance ministers and prosecutors:

Evidence published all over the world shows how HSBC helped criminals and the super rich hide their money and evade taxes, leaving the rest of us to pay for public services. We demand that you investigate and prosecute the bankers who facilitated tax dodging and their clients who enriched themselves at our expense, and tighten our tax laws to stop this happening again.


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