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fEB. 17, 2015

Sheriff Joe needs our help.


Let me lay it out for you: Sheriff Joe continues to be under attack by the federal government because of his unwavering efforts to enforce the law.


Because he is the top Sheriff enforcing our laws against illegal immigration he has been met with lawsuit after lawsuit from radical leftist organizations such as the ACLU and pro-amnesty groups such as Puente and LaRaza.


Sheriff Joe is a target simply because he's looking out for me and you -- will you step forward right now and join me to help defend Sheriff Joe from our enemies' relentless attacks?


Here are some hard facts that you should pay attention to as the debate over illegal immigration rages on in our country:



  • 33%. That's the percentage of illegal immigrants that come through the Sheriff's jails that are repeat offenders. This means that they have been in jail before for committing crimes. The Sheriff turns them over to Immigrations and Customs Enforcement (ICE) for deportation. But they keep coming back! So either they are not being deported or our borders are so porous that they just come right back across to commit more crimes.
  • 12 and 25. Those figures represent the number of times just two specific illegal immigrants have been arrested and detained in jails. Since Obama took away Sheriff Joe's authority to keep them in our jails he has to turn them over to ICE for deportation -- and now they return to his jails over and over again.


One of them was just arrested for attempted murder! Other crimes we have seen committed by these illegal aliens include kidnapping, aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, armed robbery, child molestation, sexual abuse, drug smuggling and more.


These are just a few examples!


The Sheriff has written time and time again to the U.S. Attorney General and the Inspector General for the Department of Homeland Security to point out what is happening. You know what he heard back from them? Nothing. Nada. Zilch.


The only thing the Obama Justice Department is doing about the Sheriff's efforts is filing a civil right lawsuit against the Sheriff.


It's clear this administration, under Barack Obama's direction, is willfully ignoring the rule of law. The solution to this problem is not that complicated if one has the courage to face it: Do what the law says by deporting these criminal illegals and make sure they don't come back.


Obviously, this administration doesn't get it -- and their intentional disregard for securing our border sends a signal to the worst elements to come into this country illegally!


The Sheriff will keep fighting for what he knows is right. He took an oath to protect and defend the US Constitution and will keep that oath until his last breath.


That's why I'm contacting you. Years ago, we formed a legal defense trust, called the "Joe Arpaio Legal Fund," to help Arpaio fight these battles.


Will you join me in supporting Sheriff Joe? He desperately needs our help now. We believe these egregious and frivolous lawsuits are designed to intimidate the Sheriff and stop him from doing his job.


Your financial support today is critical -- so please make a much-needed contribution today to the "Joe Arpaio Legal Fund."


Unlike a political campaign, THERE ARE NO LIMITS to how much you can give. Further, the contribution can come from any entity: business, trust, corporation, etc.


We would be so honored and grateful if you would consider making a contribution today. This is the most serious challenge Arpaio has ever faced when dealing with the courts and he doesn't have the personal resources to pay for attorneys to represent him in each and every case. Your most generous gift would be greatly appreciated.


We know we can count on Sheriff Joe Arpaio. Can Sheriff Joe count on you and your support for the "Joe Arpaio Legal Fund?"


The fight starts now. Please help the Sheriff -- he will never give up or surrender. Thank you for your support -- I hope to hear from you soon!




Ted Nugent

Musician, Conservative Activist


P.S. Patrick, Sheriff Joe desperately needs your support to fight this lawsuit and others being waged against him. And please remember, unlike a political campaign, there are no limits to what you can give -- and any amount is greatly appreciated. Please consult your tax professional for any tax deduction you may receive by giving to this organization.