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NAFTA on Steroids

Joe Dinkin, Working Families

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Feb. 13, 2015


Over 18,000 Working Families members have signed the petition against "fast tracking" the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP).

"Fast tracking" means the American people don't get to see the details of the TPP until it is already signed by the President. Anytime someone says ignore the fine print, that's exactly when we should be looking and openly discussing it.

What does the fine print say? Here's the quick and dirty from leaked versions of the TPP:

  • It ships jobs overseas.
  • It rolls back Wall Street reforms.
  • It drives up the cost of medicine.
  • It lacks basic environmental protections.
  • It allows corporations to challenge national laws in a privately run international court.

Let's stop this undemocratic deal. Tell Congress to vote NO on "fast tracking" the TPP.

Thanks for all you do.

-- Joe Dinkin

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Joe Dinkin, DC Working Families 
Date: Sat, Jan 24, 2015 at 2:00 PM
Subject: NAFTA on steroids


Remember NAFTA? The trade agreement that sent thousands of jobs overseas and drove down wages at home?

Imagine NAFTA on steroids and you get the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPP). The TPP will make it easier for corporations to ship job overseas, roll back Wall Street reforms, and drive up the costs of medicines. 

President Obama is asking for "fast-track" authority from Congress to quickly pass the agreement with limited debate. But members of Congress don't even know what's in it! The deal has been kept secret, accessible only to corporations and heads of state. 

Let's stop this undemocratic deal. Tell Congress to vote NO on "fast tracking" the TPP. Add your name to the petition.

The TPP was written in secret by advisers from some of the largest multinational corporate conglomerations in the Western hemisphere. 

Even members of Congress haven't been given access to the entire 29-chapter document! President Obama is hoping to "fast track" it through Congress with a quick up or down vote before they get a chance. 

We need to make sure Congress knows we stand against secret policies that hurt working people.

Agree? Sign the petition urging Congress to vote NO on "fast tracking" the TPP.

Thanks for all you do.

Joe Dinkin

Working Families