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Rand Paul: 'The White House says I'm dangerous '

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Feb. 11, 2015

Do you know the saying, "If you're not catching flak, you're not over the target?"

Well, it's safe to say I'm over the target.

You see, the Federal Reserve unleashed its attack dogs late last week when I traveled to Iowa to energize our grassroots movement to Audit the Fed.

And now the Obama Administration is escalating the attacks!

President Obama's White House has stooped so low as to call me "dangerous."

You and I ARE dangerous.

Our movement is a danger to the Big Government status quo enabled by over 100 years of secrecy at the Fed.

The Fed is mortgaging our children and grandchildren's future by printing an endless supply of money to fund the President's liberal agenda.

But Fed cronies and the Obama White House can hurl all the personal attacks they want.

I'm not backing down. If anything, I'm more inspired than ever before to lead this fight.

They are only lashing out because they see the surging momentum behind my Audit the Fed bill.

So I hope you'll join me in proving to the Obama White House just how "dangerous" our movement really is by adding your name to the fight for accountability at the Fed.

I'm counting on you to sign your "Audit the Fed" petition to your Senators right away.

We've never had a better chance to knock down the Federal Reserve's wall of secrecy, and I'm going to make sure it comes crumbling down.

Please join the fight and add your name today!

In Liberty,


Rand Paul