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Republicans want to give President Obama a new power he shouldn't have

Robert Reich

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Feb. 5, 2015

Republicans in Congress are trying to give President Obama new powers to fast track the negotiation of the worst trade deal you've never heard of.

Why would they want to do that?

I'll tell you. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is not just the worst trade deal you've never heard of -- it's also the biggest. With lobbyists for big business crafting the deal behind closed doors, it has been infamously called "NAFTA on steroids." And, if Congress gives the president fast track authority, that means Congress will not have the ability to amend this undemocratic deal before voting on it.


That's why I'm collaborating with my friends at Democracy for America and MoveOn to spread the word about why the TPP is such a bad idea. Check out this email that I made with MoveOn -- and then sign DFA's petition to Congress:

Will you help fight back? Share this video and sign DFA's petition to Congress urging them to reject fast track authority for the TPP!

Thank you for helping stop the erosion of the middle class -- and standing up for democracy.

Robert Reich

Former Secretary of Labor