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What to do if protestors block traffic – ‘Run ‘em over’ says FL sheriff

Rasha B. Foda

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Jan. 31, 2015

Yesterday,  we heard John McCain call protesters low life scum. Today, we learn that a Florida Sheriff recommended running them over.

Dark clouds gather over America as officials in power continue to show how much contempt they have for Americans who oppose the status quo enough to do something about it.

    “Your safety is far more valuable than those violent thugs illegally blocking the roadways. If you see the protesters, and you can’t back up, stopping will make you an easy target for violence, robbery or murder. If you are driving on a Florida roadway, it is up to them to move, so sit as low as possible in your car and accelerate forward. If you run over protesters, remember that your safety comes first and they shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Whatever you do, I can’t emphasize enough how important enough it is not to stop and if they are injured, they brought it upon themselves.”

That’s how afraid they are that Americans might actually succeed in effecting change in America through non-violent disobedience. They’re willing to kill to stop them.

But in the words of John F. Kennedy, “those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”