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Rocky Montana

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Rocky Montana / 1-6-2015

I'M AS MAD AS HELL over John Boehner's betrayal of we-the-people, and I have telephoned my House Representative and told him to "FIRE BOEHNER". I hope you feel the same way and will do the same. Boehner misled the American people all along, claiming that he was against the ObamaCare bill and Amnesty for Illegals. And then what does he do? He pushed for and endorsed the "Cromnibus" bill that fully funded both ObamaCare and Amnesty for Illegals! What does this tell you about this man? It tells me that he has betrayed the trust of the American people, that he is a closet Socialist who just came out of the closet, and that he has made a deal with the Adversary of the people! Just as Obama has done, this man lied to the American people and he should be fired from his position of Speaker Of The House for his evil and intolerable actions!

 Don't let Boehner get away with his betrayal! I urge every patriotic American who reads this: Stop what you are doing, pick up the phone, and call your Congressman right now. Tell him/her to FIRE BOEHNER!  If you don't know your Congressman's phone number, call Capital Hill switchboard: 202-224-3121. Thank you.

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Boehner revolt explodes; vote today


Steve Elliott
Grassfire Action
Posted:  January 6, 2015
Dear Patriotic Citizen,



The revolt against John Boehner for Speaker exploded yesterday as grassroots Americans overwhelmed the phone lines on Capitol Hill and flooded offices with faxes and messages opposing Boehner's re-election as Speaker.


Daily Caller reported that the crisis jammed the phone lines.  Another national media outlet said the vote could be an "embarrassment" for Boehner.  And The Washington Post now has the "No Boehner" vote count up to 15 with other reports indicating 20 will defect.


The vote to elect a new Speaker takes place today but there is still time to let your voice be heard.


Two things you can do right now...



++Action #1 -- Fax Congress Right Now And Say "Fire Boehner"

We have launched a new "Fire Boehner" FaxFire that will deliver your faxes directly to the key Tea Party conservatives in the House AND Republicans who voted against Boehner's "Cromnibus" betrayal that fully funded ObamaCare and ObamaAmnesty.



Go here now to send your "Fire Boehner" FaxFire to the key members of Congress who have it in their power to block Boehner in Tuesday's Speaker vote:


Fax Now!


Grassfire Monthly Premier and Elite Members...

Click here now to send your "Fire Boehner" faxes for FREE.

(Not a monthly Premier member? Go here to sign up today and send this fax for free!)


++Action #2 -- Call Congress All Day Today!



Let your Rep know where you stand on the Speaker vote today. If you oppose Boehner for Speaker, urge your member of Congress to vote for "anybody BUT Boehner" for Speaker.


Capitol Hill Switchboard: 202-224-3121


[Find out Your Rep's phone number by calling the number above]:

Why This Vote Matters...



This vote matters.


Less than a month ago, John Boehner once again mocked the voters who gave him his historic majority by pushing and endorsing the "Cromnibus" bill that fully funded both ObamaCare and ObamaAmnesty. [Emphasis added.Any true conservative in Congress should not support Boehner on the first ballot to send a message that Boehner's betrayal has not been forgotten!


A few weeks ago, we surveyed our grassroots team and found that well over 90% opposed Boehner for Speaker. But the vast majority of Grassfire team members have not yet taken action.


It's not too late to send your message. Schedule your faxes for immediate delivery. Call Congress. Whatever you do, don't be silent!



Remember, the vigilant will prevail!


Steve Elliott


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