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Help us build a firewall against Keystone XL in Congress

Frances Beinecke

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Dec. 28, 2014

The oil lobby and their cronies in Washington have already said that a vote to approve the climate-wrecking Keystone XL tar sands pipeline will be Congress’ first order of business in January.

We may have stopped the last attempt by pro-KXL forces in November -- but the battle ahead will be ten times tougher given the oil industry’s greater clout in the new Senate

Make no mistake: this is a brazen shot across the bow by newly energized pro-polluter lawmakers. We urgently need you standing with us as we fight back.

Make an emergency donation now to help NRDC build a “No KXL” firewall against these special interests and their Big Polluter Agenda.

You see, it may be nearly impossible to win a vote on the Keystone XL in the new Congress. So it’s absolutely crucial that we build a wall of opposition to KXL that is big enough to sustain a Presidential veto.

Big Oil’s Congressional allies want the American people to believe oil industry propaganda that the Keystone XL pipeline will sow jobs and prosperity. But they couldn’t be more wrong.

Ramming through KXL approval would do nothing but deliver billions in profits to Big Oil -- while you and I get stuck with the risks of poisoned water, contaminated land and an overheated planet.

That’s why we urgently need your help shoring up our rapid response capacity in Washington -- before Congress reconvenes in January.

Donate now to help make sure NRDC is fully prepared to fend off this attack.

Your immediate support will go directly into building an environmental firewall to meet the new pipeline-happy Congress at the door, including:

  • Hard-hitting advocacy in Washington -- making the case against the Keystone XL to lawmakers, thought leaders and key members of the Obama Administration.

  • Our rapid-response truth squad -- a team of experts ready to speed the damning facts about the Keystone XL to hundreds of media outlets and editorial boards as they shape the debate.

  • Mobilizing the public and NRDC activists and supporters like you to show the new Congress the American people won’t stand by while they deepen our dependence on dirty fossil fuels and accelerate climate change.

It’s a lot to do in the seven days before Congress returns, but hard work and fierce opponents have never stopped us before, and -- with you at our side -- we’ll come out swinging.

Let’s show the oil lobby and their allies in Congress that they’re in for the fight of their lives.

Fired up,


Frances Beinecke


Natural Resources Defense Council

P.S. Your support is critical to making sure that, if a KXL bill passes, President Obama heeds the overwhelming evidence and vetoes this bill -- and that we can sustain that veto in Congress.