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Gov. O'Malley: Ban fracking in Maryland

Mark Ruffalo - Moveon

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Nov. 26, 2014

I'm actor and activist Mark Ruffalo, and, along with the organization Food & Water Watch, I started a petition to Maryland Governor Martin O'Malley and Brigid Kenney of the Maryland Department of the Environment, which says:

Gov. O'Malley, the nation is watching. In your last two months as governor of Maryland, you have a unique opportunity to safeguard public health and the environment by keeping fracking out of the state.

A ban on fracking in Maryland would set a strong example for elected officials around the country, one that promotes informed choices based on sound, independent science and places constituent safety and well-being first. What happens in Maryland impacts all of us.

The time to ban fracking is now.

Several weeks ago, Gov. O'Malley's administration released the last report that will be used to make a decision about whether or not to allow fracking in Maryland.

The administration has already found that fracking poses high risks to public health. A health report commissioned by the O'Malley administration and conducted by the University of Maryland found that fracking will have significant negative impacts on air quality, drinking water, and other essential resources, and that it will ultimately threaten public health, particularly affecting children, the elderly, and the poor.

We know that Governor-elect Larry Hogan will move to frack in Maryland's five gas shale basins. Gov. O'Malley can still protect Maryland residents from a legacy of fracking by taking decisive action now. States like Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Texas that allow fracking have seen long-term damage to public health and the environment.

The only way to avoid these threats is to ban fracking in Maryland now.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends.


–Mark Ruffalo

This petition was created on MoveOn's online petition site, where anyone can start their own online petitions. Mark Ruffalo and Food & Water Watch didn't pay us to send this email—we never rent or sell the list.


1. "O'Malley says he is ready to allow 'fracking' in Western Maryland, with strict safeguards," The Washington Post, November 25, 2014

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