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KE ACTION: Protect walruses by rejecting a massive oil and gas lease sale in Arctic waters

Erik Grafe, Earthjustice

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NOv. 22, 2014

We need you to tell the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to stop a reckless oil and gas lease sale in the Arctic Ocean now, while the agency is accepting public comments.

As a result of our recent litigation success, the government is reconsidering whether to open the Chukchi Sea to drilling for oil and gas, and its own analysis shows why it should not. The government admits there’s a 75% chance of a major spill if we move forward with oil and gas development.

And it's now clear there is no effective way to clean up a spill in the Arctic Ocean. Tests show that spill response equipment fails to work once even a small amount of ice is in the water—which is most of the time in the Arctic Ocean.

The massive Chukchi Sea oil and gas lease sale 193 to drill in the Arctic has already been declared illegal twice by the courts thanks to Earthjustice litigation efforts, and the government is now reconsidering the sale after our latest victory. There are lots of reasons that it is a terrible idea.

But Shell Oil is still relentlessly pursuing its reckless plans to drill in the Arctic Ocean and pushing the government to approve the sale and its drilling plans.

Earthjustice has been fighting Big Oil’s plans in court to drill in the Arctic for more than a decade—and won, but we need your help now more than ever. Put an end to this misguided oil and gas lease sale by urging the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management to cancel it now.

Even without a spill, the effects of oil and gas leasing in the Chukchi Sea could be catastrophic—causing widespread harm to Pacific walruses, bowhead whales, marine and coastal birds like the threatened spectacled eider, and other wildlife. Companies like Shell Oil would conduct seismic testing, ice-breaking, and risky, dirty, and loud drilling—all in a region critical to these majestic creatures’ survival.

The Chukchi Sea and its wildlife are already under serious threat from climate change. Without sea ice, walruses are flocking to land in large numbers, where food becomes scarce. Loud noises or disturbances can cause herds to become alarmed and stampede into the water, trampling and killing small walruses and baby calves in the process.

Reckless and irresponsible oil development could make things much worse. It also would further commit us to a dirty energy future, worsening climate change, which is already wreaking havoc in the Arctic and elsewhere.

Take action now to urge the cancellation of this massive sale of our Arctic waters!


Erik Grafe

Staff Attorney

Alaska Office