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Sheriff Joe Arpaio - You Make the Call

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Nov. 20, 2014


Fellow Patriot,

You know me as the toughest sheriff in America.

You also know me as a straight talker - I tell it like it is.

My friend, America is in trouble.

I've spent my entire life fighting for the rule of law and what is right and just. I have fought against the Mexican Drug Cartels who have threatened my life and my family. I have fought against the corrupt Obama Department of Justice that is more interested in scoring political points than enforcing the law. I have fought against President Obama who doesn't have the first clue on how to secure our borders or protect our citizens.

Today, I'm ready to take on a new fight, and I need your help.

You see, I'm convinced that "the fix is in" and that without a huge effort starting right now - Hillary Clinton will be the next President of the United States.

Her henchmen - James Carville and Harold Ickes - are busy greasing the skids, raising millions of dollars, buying off the competition... all designed to install her in the White House without a fight.

Well you know me... I'm always up for a good fight. And fighting for America is what I do best.

That's why I'm asking you to join me in supporting Stop Hillary PAC today. Will you please click on this link and sign your name to my Pledge to Defeat Hillary campaign?

And after you sign your pledge, will you please chip in with a generous donation of at least $5 -- or if you can afford $25 or even $50 -- to help me fight Hillary Clinton across America? Your gift could not come at a more important moment.

Stop Hillary PAC is organizing across the country to stop Hillary Clinton from ever becoming president of the United States.

We have a plan - and with your help we can Stop Hillary Now.

So I'm asking you today — before you do anything else — to follow this link and sign your name to our Pledge to Defeat Hillary campaign.

I know I don't have to tell you the damage a Hillary Clinton presidency will do to the America we know and love. Building upon the dangerous Obama legacy, President Hillary Clinton will cement the disastrous policies of Obama into the fabric of America forever.


Open Borders and Permanent Amnesty:Hillary will finish what President Obama and Harry Reid have started - an immigration policy that rewards law breakers and leaves our citizens vulnerable to criminals and thugs.



A Bigger and more Overreaching Government:Hillary will continue Obama's assault on free markets and plot to gut conservative and Tea Party groups. Will the IRS start targeting all conservatives under President Clinton?



A Foreign Policy that leaves America Weak and Vulnerable:Does anyone really believe America is stronger in the world after Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have been in charge.



Obamacare expanded into Hillarycare:Hillary will be the ultimate implementer Obamacare - resulting in sky rocketing taxes, health-care costs and rationing of care?



Jimmy Carter style Joblessness and Unemployment:From the big banks to the taxpayer funded government takeover, a Hillary Clinton Administration will be a dangerous anti-capitalist government that will destroy our economy.

But here is the real scary part: Hillary is even closer to the presidency now than ever before.

That's why I'm asking you, before you read any further, please click on this link and sign your name to our Pledge to Defeat Hillary campaign - and please make a generous gift to our campaign.

My friend, if there is one thing I've learned during my years in law enforcement... it's you can never start preparing too early for a fight.

Our immediate goal is to collect over 1 million signatures - a grassroots army of Americans committed to doing whatever it takes to defeat Hillary.

Then we will enact an all-out media blitz to expose Hillary's left-wing record of failure. Finally, we will target precinct-by-precinct with a coordinated hard-hitting TV, radio and digital effort in every county in America that Hillary needs to win the presidency.


One more important thing: we simply cannot achieve our goals without your financial support as well. I also need you to make a contribution today.

Please, in addition to signing yourPledge to Defeat Hillary, I urge you make your most generous contribution to help me and Stop Hillary PAC do what it takes to ensure Hillary Clinton never becomes President.

I assure you that your contribution of at least $5 -- or if you can afford $25 or even $50 -- will go directly to exposing Hillary Clinton to voters across American and ensure she never becomes president.

My friend, as I wrote above... America is in trouble.

I'm going to fight back with - or without - your help. The only difference is: will I have the necessary resources to fight or will Hillary Clinton run over us with her mountains of support?

It's up to you.

Please send help if you can.

Very Sincerely Yours,

Sheriff Joe Arpaio

Maricopa County, Arizona