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Harry Reid Flat Out Refuses to Audit the FED.

Campaign for Liberty

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Oct. 23, 2014


Harry Reid flat out REFUSES to Audit the Fed for the American people . . .

But the American people will soon audit Harry Reid.

With your support, we can make Senator Reid pay a HUGE political price for refusing to allow so much as a vote on Audit the Fed.

You see, November 4 is less than two weeks away.

And nearly 75% of Americans support auditing the Fed.

But despite tens of thousands of petitions, phone calls, emails, and more from freedom-loving Americans like you, Senator Reid continues to stonewall the American people on Audit the Fed.

It's time to SOUND THE ALARM in the final days before the critical November 4 elections.

It's time to EXPOSE the statists and ensure that NO candidate running for the U.S. House or Senate can get away with sweeping his or her views on Audit the Fed under the rug.

So today, Melody, I hope you'll chip in $10 or more to our "SOUND THE ALARM" Voter Mobilization Blitz.

As it currently stands, we're $25,000 shy of raising the funds necessary to make our maximum possible impact in these closing days.

And with time running short, my staff and I must raise these funds by this Tuesday, October 28.

That's why I'm counting on you to chip in $10 or more right away!

You and your fellow members can help Campaign for Liberty SOUND THE ALARM and inform the American people about exactly where their candidates stand on issues such as Audit the Fed.

I'm talking about:

>>> A flood of emails into targeted districts and states reporting on candidates' voting records, public statements, and survey responses - especially on Audit the Fed;

>>> Internet and radio ads in key races EXPOSING every candidate who REFUSES to pledge 100% support for auditing the Fed;

As I mentioned, nearly 75% of the American people support auditing the Fed.

Once exposed, the American people will ensure that those candidates who defend the Fed and the Big Government leviathan it's spawned pay a BIG price at the polls.

No messages resonate in Washington, D.C. like those the voters send at the ballot box.

That's why this might be the most important moment in our fight to Audit the Fed yet.

But the amount Campaign for Liberty is able to do over these next few days depends on the help and support of generous folks like you.

That's why I'm counting on you to chip in $10 or more to our "SOUND THE ALARM" Voter Mobilization Blitz before Tuesday's deadline.

Melody, your support today will help ensure C4L can make a strong, lasting stand for liberty.

So please chip in $10 or more immediately.

For Liberty,

Ron Paul


P.S. As it currently stands, we're $25,000 shy of raising the funds necessary to make our maximum possible impact with our Candidate Survey Program in the closing days before November 4.

And with time running short, my staff and I must raise these funds by this Tuesday, October 28.

So today, Melody, I hope you'll chip in $10 or more to our "SOUND THE ALARM" Voter Mobilization Blitz before Tuesday night's deadline.